Looking for a tool for SQL Server that will show end-to-end column flow

  • Looking for a Windows app that will show the life of a column in our data warehouse. Many of ours start with DB2 on the mainframe, go through 2-3 databases on SQL server 2016 using SSIS packages and are used by PowerBI, SSAS, SSRS, and for the user community, SAP Business Objects 4.2.

    For example, show Client Number from where it comes from in the source system, where it goes in the data warehouse and places that it is consumed.

    The closest that I have found is DocXpress by Pragmatic works which was purchased by Sentryone. We have that product and I'm continuing to test with it.

    If you are aware of other tools that will fulfill this need, please let me know.

    Thank you.

  • Added an attachment sample of what I would like to see in the product.

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  • You can find a lot of those tools to try out by doing a search on: data lineage tools sql server


  • Thank you. That did show a few tools that I wasn't aware of. Much appreciated Sue.

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