Looking for a set-based solution

  • SQL 2005 SP3

    I have a list of customers and associated transactions, but some of the transactions are null. Where a customer has only one non-null transaction number I want to update all the nulls for that customer with that number. Where a customer has more than one different non-null transaction, I shouldn't make any changes, as shown in the examples below. I can make this work with a cursor but it's slow. Before I get started on a solution with lots of subqueries, can anyone see a less laborious way of attacking this?

    Starting with

    Customer Trx

    A1 123

    A1 NULL

    A1 NULL

    A2 124

    A2 125

    A2 NULL

    A3 126

    A3 126

    A3 NULL

    A4 NULL

    A4 NULL

    A5 127

    A5 127

    A5 127

    Desired result

    Customer Trx

    A1 123

    A1 123

    A1 123

    A2 124

    A2 125

    A2 NULL

    A3 126

    A3 126

    A3 126

    A4 NULL

    A4 NULL

    A5 127

    A5 127

    A5 127




  • Hi Scott

    Run this 'ere bit of code, and the answer will come to you in a flash:

    SELECT Customer, COUNT(*) AS trxTotal, COUNT(trx) AS trxNonNULL

    FROM YourTable

    GROUP BY Customer

    โ€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.โ€ - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
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    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Scott-144766 (1/8/2010)

    SQL 2005 SP3

    I have a list of customers and associated transactions, but some of the transactions are null. Where a customer has only one non-null transaction number I want to update all the nulls for that customer with that number. Where a customer has more than one different non-null transaction, I shouldn't make any changes, as shown in the examples below. I can make this work with a cursor but it's slow. Before I get started on a solution with lots of subqueries, can anyone see a less laborious way of attacking this?

    Starting with

    Customer Trx

    A1 123

    A1 NULL

    A1 NULL

    A2 124

    A2 125

    A2 NULL

    A3 126

    A3 126

    A3 NULL

    A4 NULL

    A4 NULL

    A5 127

    A5 127

    A5 127

    Desired result

    Customer Trx

    A1 123

    A1 123

    A1 123

    A2 124

    A2 125

    A2 NULL

    A3 126

    A3 126

    A3 126

    A4 NULL

    A4 NULL

    A5 127

    A5 127

    A5 127



    Why is the 3rd A2 null in the expected results instead of 125?


    SELECT Customer, MAX(Trx) AS Trx

    FROM MyTable


    GROUP BY Customer


    UPDATE m

    SET Trx=c.Trx

    FROM MyTable m

    INNER JOIN CTE c ON c.Customer=m.Customer

    WHERE m.Trx IS NULL;


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum

  • Lynn Pettis (1/8/2010)

    Scott-144766 (1/8/2010)

    Starting with

    Customer Trx

    A2 124

    A2 125

    A2 NULL

    Desired result

    Customer Trx

    A2 124

    A2 125

    A2 NULL

    Why is the 3rd A2 null in the expected results instead of 125?

    Because customer A2 has two different transaction numbers - 124 and 125


  • Mark-101232 (1/8/2010)


    SELECT Customer, MAX(Trx) AS Trx

    FROM MyTable


    GROUP BY Customer


    UPDATE m

    SET Trx=c.Trx

    FROM MyTable m

    INNER JOIN CTE c ON c.Customer=m.Customer

    WHERE m.Trx IS NULL;

    I like this one - thanks Mark. I haven't seen COUNT(DISTINCT expression) before, so I've learned more than one thing today ๐Ÿ™‚


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