
  • Hi,I have a question:

    I have two primary databases Testdb and Trackdb for logshiping and i have two servers available acting as primary server and secondary/destination server.Can i put both databases separartly on both servers and can use both servers as primary for each other and secondary for each other as well?



    ServerA.Trackdb<----------------ServerBTrackdb Here ServerA is primary server and ServerB is secondary server for Testdb database and for Trackdb database serverB is primary server and ServerA is secondary server.
    Also what about monitoring server?should i use third server as monitoring server or i can use these both servers as monitoring servers for each other?

    Thanks Irfan

  • Hi Irfan

    YES you can do this on Logshipping

  • When you define the log shipping, you define it at a database level and not at a server level. This means that on both servers you can have primary database and secondary databases (as long as those are different databases).


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  • I am not clear about monitoring server yet but

    Thank you of both of you CrazyMan and Adi for your help.

    Thanks Irfan

  • Irfan (8/14/2009)

    I am not clear about monitoring server yet

    You can have a third server a monitoring server that can monitor several log shipping databases.

    Alternatively you can query individual primary and secondary databases for log shipping alerts/history/status etc...

    Pradeep Singh

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