Login/Add connection failure

  • I am trying to add a connection to a database from visual studios and i get the error "login failed for user 'computer name\account name'...

    I have no problem accessing the database directly from the SQL Server Management Studio, but each time I try through visual studios, I am never able to.

    Does anyone have an idea of how to resolve this issue? I really appreciate your insight.

    OS - Vista

    SQL 2005

    Visual Studios 2005

  • Is this a local install of SQL Server?

    You are passing along a local credential if you have computername/username and not a domain credential. Check the registration properties from SSMS and see if you have something different there.

  • Yes, this is a local install of SQL.

    I have checked the registration properties from SSMS and I don't see anything different there. Any other ideas?

  • Your account must not have a login in SQL Server. What does the SSMS registered server settings say?

  • Thanks for the response, though it didn't resolve it. But I traced the issue back to the point of my uninstall and reinstallation of SQL, and apparently it's a problem with SQL/Visual Studios on Vista. So I downloaded the sp2 for SQL and that seems to have resolved the issue for now.

    I don't know if this is a permanent fix, but it seems to be for now.

  • Thanks for the update. Hope it works from here on out.

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