Login failed for user '(null)'

  • We have an application which connects to a SQL 2000 database using both ADO and ADO.net using integrated security. Recently we have had problems whereby the following error occurs for users:

    Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection

    From the way this error is logged, I know that the application has been getting database connections with no trouble, the user's had no problems using it, then suddenly whenever it tries to get a connection it gets the error.

    Once it gets into this state, I think that the only way to sort it out is for the user to log off and log onto their machine again.

    In one instance this morning, it happened to a number of users at exactly the same time.

    Does anybody know what might cause this? Is there something I should suggest for our network administrators to look out for?



  • Rachel,

    Did you ever find a solution to this problem? I have an application that uses a User DSN to connect to a remote DB and we get the same error. Thanks.

  • I think that in our case it might have been a problem with people getting locked out of their windows accounts half way through the day.

    Hence it was working, and then suddenly it wasn't.

    But we never really tracked it down.

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