Log Shipping not working -- Please help

  • Hi,

        I have a setup two instance of SQL Server 2000 Enterprise edition on a Windows 2003 server, and have setup Log Shipping for a database from the default to the named instance.

     I have selected the option "Allow Database to assume Primary role".  The Log Shipping goes fine till i try to perform the failover.

    The "sp_change_primary_role" on the Primary server works perfectly. When i try to run the the "sp_change_secondary_role" on the secondary server, the SP fails. When i check the Log Shipping Monitor for error details, the error reported says "the DB is in use and exclusive access couldn't be obtained." When i run the "sp_who2", i do not see any connections to this database at all. Can some please advice?





  • Could it be possible that the log shipping restore job is attempting to restore a log at that point in time?

    Just because you cannot see a connection the db doesn't mean there isn't one.  If someone is running a fully-qualified query against the database whilst they are connected to another database it won't show up in sp_who2.

    Either way, you'll either have to find the connection and kill it or restart the sql services.  If all else fails and you've successfully applied all T-Logs to the secondary you could run:

    restore database <database name> with recovery

    to bring it online.  I'm not sure what effect that would have on subsequently running sp_change_secondary_role though.


  • Hi Karl,

            I have the log restore job disabled, so i think i can rule that out.

    And also this setup is on my test(Lab) machine, so, i am the only user connected to the SQL Server. Any other causes??





  • Ravi,

    given the error message it is unlikely that there is another cause.  In other words, chances are that there is a connection to the database - whether it's your user or a system process.

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