log access from users

  • I have been asked at work if SQL Server can log access from users. For example if I was asked to say who had logged onto a certain database over the last few days would I be able to present a complete report of logging in and logging out for who and when?

    I know sp_who gives some of this info but I don't get all I need

    Can anyone help me with this, please?


  • There's a good article on this:


  • Hello Aaron,

    Thank you very much for your suggestion I read the article and I found all I needed.


  • Hello,

    I have one more question. The article was good, I made changes to the script so I could trace what I needed to. One more thing, I am trying to filter not just by application name (column 10) but also by the name of the application so I will get activity for that particular app and I am not having much luck. I am poblably missing something simple but...could you help please?

    Thanks a lot


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