Locking in Tranactions

  • HI all,

    I have a stopred prodedure with a transaction in it , which includes some static and dynamically made statemenst using EXEC (). When a client executes the proc through a connection , it lock resourses. Obviousely if the client crashes before committing , the resource would be locked until admin kills the connection.

    The problem is that , I don't want clients to lock any resource in the proc. I tried all table hints and isolation hints , but they didn't work. How can I tell the proc not to lock tables?


    A. Sepahram

  • can you post the code!!

    also what is the client app developed in??

  • The lock manager sometimes take it's decision even if you've specified the lock hint. I develop an OLTP system and got experiance in SQL Server 7 locking issues.

    Anyhow try "readuncommitted" or "nolock" hints in your queries and use "sp_executesql" instead "execute", that might solve your problems.

    As about the crashed client should just keep the connection open till is killed, not keep the sql server process still.

  • Than you very much , but it didnt' work yet!

    It seems SQL Server does what it likes instead of what developer tells it 🙂


  • Could you post your code??


  • This is a particularly alarming statement:


    I have a stopred prodedure with a transaction in it , which includes some static and dynamically made statemenst using EXEC (). When a client executes the proc through a connection , it lock resourses. Obviousely if the client crashes before committing , the resource would be locked until admin kills the connection.

    As Andy has asked, we do need to see the code to see locking hints, etc. However, is the sproc running for such an extended period of time that you have to consider for a client crash? Also, are client crashes frequent enough to cause this to be of such concern you're willing to bypass locking?

    K. Brian Kelley



    K. Brian Kelley

  • Here's the code :


    ( @TableName sysname ,

    @IDField sysname ,

    @WhereClause sysname ,

    @LastID sysname OUTPUT )


    SET @WhereClause = IsNull(@WhereClause, '')

    -- Drops ##SeqTemp temp table if it exists in advance

    IF EXISTS ( SELECT * from tempdb..sysobjects WHERE name = '##SeqTemp' )

    DROP TABLE ##SeqTemp

    DECLARE @TempID sysname ,

    @SqlStr varchar (2126) ,-- SQL statement to be executed

    @UpperBound sysname,-- The upper bound based on data type of @IDField

    @WhereStr Varchar(256)-- Used to make WHERE and GROUP BY clauses

    -- Finds the upper bound based on data type of @IDField

    SELECT @UpperBound = CASE data_type WHEN 'tinyint' THEN '255'

    WHEN 'smallint' THEN '32767'

    ELSE '0' END

    FROM information_schema.columns

    WHERE table_name = @TableName

    AND column_name = @IDField

    IF @UpperBound IS NULL


    SET @LastID = '-1'-- Ends and returns -1 if a the last ID exceeds datatype limit



    IF @WhereClause = ''

    SET @WhereStr = ''


    --SET @WhereClause = Replace(@WhereClause, ' ' , '')

    SET @WhereStr = ' WHERE ' + Replace(@WhereClause, ',', ' AND ')



    -- Deletes last used ID of given field of given table

    SET @SqlStr = 'DELETE TBC_SYS_LastID ' +

    ' WHERE TableName = ''' + @TableName + ''' AND WhereClause = ''' + @WhereClause +

    ''' AND LastID IN ( SELECT ' + @IDField + ' FROM ' + @TableName + @WhereStr + ' )'

    EXEC ( @SqlStr )


    IF @@ERROR <> 0

    GOTO errLabel


    -- compares the given table with TBC_SYS_IDSequence to finds the gaps or the last free ID

    IF @UpperBound <> '0'-- If data type isn't INT


    SET @SqlStr = 'SELECT

    Min( SeqNO ) newLastID INTO ##SeqTemp


    ( SELECT SeqNO


    FROM TBC_SYS_IDSequence

    WHERE SeqNO <= ' + @UpperBound + ' AND SeqNO NOT IN ( SELECT LastID


    WHERE TableName = ''' + @TableName + ''' AND

    WhereClause = ''' + @WhereClause + ''') ) A

    WHERE SeqNO NOT IN (SELECT ' + @IDField + ' FROM ' + @TableName + @WhereStr + ')) B'

    EXEC ( @SqlStr )


    IF @@ERROR <> 0

    GOTO errLabel


    SELECT @LastID = newLastID FROM ##SeqTemp


    IF @@ERROR <> 0

    GOTO errLabel


    END --If UpperBound

    ELSE-- If data type is INT


    DECLARE @EQPos TinyInt ,

    @ComaPos TinyInt ,

    @GroupByStr Varchar(256) ,

    @TempStr Varchar(256)

    -- Avoid making a string NULL and check for WHERE clause

    IF @WhereClause = ''-- If there isn't a WHERE clause


    SET @WhereStr = ''

    SET @GroupByStr = ''


    ELSE-- If there's a WHERE clause


    SET @WhereStr = @WhereClause

    SET @GroupByStr = ' GROUP BY '-- Makes GROUP BY clause

    SET @TempStr = @WhereStr + ','

    WHILE 1 = 1


    SET @EQPos = PatIndex( '%=%', @TempStr)

    IF @EQPos = 0


    SET @ComaPos = PatIndex( '%,%', @TempStr)

    SET @TempStr = Replace(@TempStr, SubString(@TempStr, @EQPos , @ComaPos - @EQPos), '')

    SET @ComaPos = PatIndex( '%,%', @TempStr)

    SET @GroupByStr = IsNull(@GroupByStr, '') + SubString(@TempStr, 1, @Comapos)

    SET @TempStr = SubString(@TempStr, @Comapos+1, Len(@TempStr))



    -- Makes GROUP BY clause

    IF @WhereClause <> ''-- If there isn't a WHERE clause


    SET @GroupByStr = SubString(@GroupByStr, 1, Len(@GroupByStr) - 1)

    SET @WhereStr = ' WHERE ' + Replace(@WhereStr, ',', ' AND ')



    IF @@ERROR <> 0

    GOTO errLabel


    -- Makes a virtual field list to match the field list of TBC_SYS_LasiID

    -- @TableName in order to find unused MAX (@IDField) for int data type

    DECLARE @TempWhereStr varchar(1000), @TempPlace varchar(1000),

    @VirtualFieldList varchar(1000),

    @val Varchar(256), @FieldID Varchar(256),@RealFieldList Varchar(1000)

    SET @TempWhereStr = @WhereClause + ','

    SET @VirtualFieldList = ''

    IF @WhereClause = ''

    SET @RealFieldList = ''


    SET @RealFieldList = ',' + Replace(@GroupByStr, 'GROUP BY', '')

    IF @WhereClause <> ''

    WHILE 1=1


    SET @EqPos = Patindex('%=%', @TempWhereStr)

    SET @ComaPos = Patindex('%,%', @TempWhereStr)

    IF @Comapos = 0


    SET @TempPlace = SubString(@TempWhereStr, 1, @ComaPos - 1)

    SET @FieldID = Substring(@TempPlace, 1, @Eqpos -1)

    SET @val = Substring(@TempPlace, @Eqpos +1 , Len(@TempPlace))

    SET @VirtualFieldList = @VirtualFieldList + ', ' + @val + ' ' + @FieldID

    SET @TempWhereStr = SubString(@TempWhereStr, @ComaPos+ 1, Len(@TempWhereStr))


    -- Returns the max of the found last IDs

    SELECT @SqlStr = 'SELECT ' +

    ' MAX(' + @IDField + ') + 1 newLastID INTO ##SeqTemp ' +

    ' FROM ' +

    ' (SELECT ' +

    @IDField + @RealFieldList +

    'FROM ' + @TableName +

    @WhereStr +

    'UNION ' +

    'SELECT ' +

    'LastID ' + @IDField + @VirtualFieldList +

    'FROM TBC_SYS_LastID WHERE TableName = ''' +

    @TableName + ''' AND WhereClause = ''' + @WhereClause + ''') A ' +


    EXEC ( @SqlStr )


    IF @@ERROR <> 0

    GOTO errLabel


    SELECT @LastID = newLastID FROM ##SeqTemp

    END --Else UpperBound

    -- Inserts the found last ID into TBC_SYS_LastID in order to prevent concurrency

    SET @SqlStr = 'INSERT INTO TBC_SYS_LastID WITH ( ROWLOCK ) ( TableName, WhereClause, LastID ) VALUES ('''

    + @TableName + ''', ''' + @WhereClause + ''' , ' + @LastID + ') '

    EXEC ( @SqlStr )


    IF @@ERROR <> 0

    GOTO errLabel


    -- Drops ##SeqTemp temp table if it already exists in advance

    IF EXISTS ( SELECT * from tempdb..sysobjects WHERE name = '##SeqTemp' )

    DROP TABLE ##SeqTemp



    -- Rolls back what's done in the whole proc , if there's a problem somewhere



    IF EXISTS ( SELECT * from tempdb..sysobjects WHERE name = '##SeqTemp' )

    DROP TABLE ##SeqTemp

    SET @LastID = '0'-- Returns 0 if a problem occured and the trans rolled back

  • Brian,

    The events you mentioned probably rarely take palce. However, the point is that it's a central procedure and so critical. Because, it's a general proc to get last valid ID for given table based on given condition. Therefore, I have to be sure that it'll never locked the tables which many connections may use concurently.

    On the other hand, don't you think as an admin or developer I must able to tell explicitely to DB not to lock a resource?


  • That code gives me a headache. I think you're doing a lot of work just to make sure there are no gaps in the sequence. While I think your code probably does catch these and reuse them, they are still being used out of sequence. For example, if your ID's are generated sequentially using an identity col, you might end up with this:





    4 was assigned to an insert that failed, rolled back, whatever. Using your plan,

    you might end up with this:






    If you're date stamping on insert, its confusing even more. So what good does this do you?

    Global temp tables are usually not a good thing. If everyone needs to see it, put it a real table!

    Finally, in cases where identity is insufficient and you want to use your own id generation scheme, the simplest plan I have seen to date is to create an id table (ID varchar(10), UserID int). Then build a proc that inserts a row (and does whatever you need done to create the next ID, a default function on the table would be good) where userid = @@spid. Then you can select it back.

    Personally I have adopted uniqueidentifier for my meaningless keys, lets me do a lot of nice things (I have an article posted).

    Anyway - all that and I haven't helped with your problem! What we try to do here on SSC is encourage good solutions and better practices, maybe these notes will help. After I've had some coffee I'll try to work on your problem and see what we can do:-)


  • Dear Andy,

    If you wanna spend more time on my problem after your coffee :), and I appreciate it so much, please concentrate on the part:

    SELECT Min( SeqNO ) newLastID

    INTO ##SeqTemp

    FROM ...


  • I think that you're using the ##table because of the scoping issues with exec(), right? I think you're having your locking issues because exec() does run in a different scope, you might try setting your read uncommitted or whatever as part of the sql that you're exec'ing.

    There was an article in this months SQL Magazine that mentioned a very handy tip - sp_executesql apparently has an undocumented feature - the ability to return an output parameter. Might be just the thing for this situation. Here is the link:


    I know I'm taking the easy way out, but I still think you should reconsider your solution. You're doing a LOT of work for not a lot of return that I can see. Have you benchmarked this to see what it's costing you on each insert, compared to using an identity column?

    What happens if you have two users execute this at once? User1 creates the ##table...then user2 comes along and drops it!

    Locking is not something to be avoided, just minimized. Without locking you have no data integrity. In your case it could cause you to re-use or attempt to re-use a primary key value.

    I hope other readers will comment on this as well - be good to get some other points of view, since much of this is my opinionated opinion!


  • You're right somehow. I can use INT instead of TINYINT , use identity and leave gaps. I'll try the sp_executesql special feature and scoping problem in EXEC() and inform you, if I get to desired result.

    By the way, I ommit creating and droping ##temp by using real table , as you said, and it seems to run a faster. Thank you for your tips.


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