Locked Access database

  • When trying to open my Access database I get the following error:

    The Microsoft Jet database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time.

    When I spoke to the end user's, they stated that this problem began when one of the user.s PC was unplugged while she was still in the Access DB.

    I have tried Access Compact and Repair, Jet Compiler and creating a new DB and importing the data, and with each I have gotten the same error. Can anyone help me fix this database?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Is there an old LDB file hanging around in the same folder as the mdb/mde? Normally if you get all users out of the app then the ldb file is deleted. If a user crashes out the ldb can get left behind.


  • I don't see the .ldb file when I open up the folder while the Access .mdb is open. For example, when I open up the .mdb file in question, the error:

    The Microsoft Jet database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time.

    is visible, but there is no .ldb created.

    I've copied this .mdb file with a new name, stored it on a different server, ran /decompile, all for nothing.

    I've created a new DB and tried to import the .mdb locked file. No result.

    In doing the above, I'm running Access locally, and I'm the only person opening up this .mdb, and I'm still getting the same error message.

    I've heard there is VBA code I could write which releases the lock? Is this true? If so, does anyone know this?

    I read you could write a query to a non-existant column in the locked db, and somehow. and that would unlock the db. Is this true?

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  • After you opened the database, you do see the .ldb file in that folder though? If you open the ldb in Word (Notepad doesn't show readable text), you should see your own loginname? And if you close the database, the ldb file is gone again?

    Is there in the Tools > Startup... anything filled in at the Display/Form page? If so, does that form or page have code in the Form_Load procedure that could lock anything?

    Hope this will give you answers.

    Ronald HensbergenHelp us, help yourself... Post data so we can read and use it: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/-------------------------------------------------------------------------2+2=5 for significant large values of 2

  • Hensbergen,

    Thanks for the quick reponse.

    No, there's no .ldb. While the .mdb is open, in the following manner:

    I goto the folder where the .ldb is supposed to be (same location). I do a refresh. nothing. I do show hidden files. nothing. no .ldb to be found.

    When I goto Tools > Startup > its set to "None", so nothing there.

    At this point, we had to reinstall the application which uses the Access db in question, but after my exhaustive searches across the web, am I to conclude that this is a "corrupt db" issue, and there is nothing that can be done (either in VBA, VB or some other coding) to unlock this db?


  • Open access with the ms shortcut (not double-clicking on the db file)

    Then open a database and browse to that db, in the options open it as single user or exclusive (not sure of the term anymore... it's been a couple years since I did that).

    If you can't do that, it means someone still has a lock on it... or you don't have some permissions.

    Plan b is to make a new db file, reimport all the objects and data into it from the old file and use that as the new DB file... last resort but it works.

  • Do you have any Memo fields in your tables? If you do, can you get to the tables and look for #Error in one of those fields. Compact & Repair usually can't fix a corrupted Memo field. You'd have to create a make-table query that excludes the bad record, empty the original table, and then copy the good records back into the original table. You would lose the one bad record but that's better than losing the whole db.

  • Ninja and Mitchel...

    I can get no farther than the screenshot I've illustrated above. So, in Ninja's suggestion, I open the file through the Access app itself, and I choose "Open - Exclusive"....and "Open - Exlusive -- Read" and the other options as well....still, no success...the same pop-up message appears....And even when I do this, I look in the folder, and still no .ldb appears, which has me stumped.

    Mitchell, I wish I can open up the DB to see the tables. The problem is that I don't know what's in this DB, that's why I'm trying to open it.

  • I'd still try the import wizard... it has surprised me quite a few times. Worst case scenario, you're still stuck at the same place.

  • Agreed that the import objects trick Ninja mentioned has saved my bacon in these kinds of scenarios before.

    That being said - have you tried simply holding the SHIFT key down while opening up the DB yet? This will prevent any startup code/macros from executing. Just be sure to keep it held down until the DB window comes up.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Have you tried to repair the file using the ODBC Administrator?

    Go to control panel -> Administrative tools -> Data Sources (ODBC)

    On the first tab User DSN, double click on MS Access database

    Then click the select button and browse to the database file and click OK.

    Then click on repair and make sure the same file is selected and click OK to repair.

    I've heard that this repair tool is better than the tool (compact & repair) built into MS Access.


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