Linked servers connecting to a High Availability Group

  • I have a HA Listener which is visible and can be connected to, it has a read only secondary on a different subnet so when connecting to it we use the applicationintent = readonly and multisubnetfailover = true.

    trying to connect it as a linked server is giving me problems. I tried putting the extra info into the provider string but keep getting the failure to initialise error. has anyone created this I am trying to link SQL2012 to a 2012 HA group but will also need to connect from a sql2008 server as well

  • created a system DSN using native client and setting multisubnetfailover property


    EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'servername', @srvproduct=N'', @provider=N'MSDASQL', @datasrc=N'dsn_name', @provstr=N'Driver={SQL Server}'

    haven't tested what happens in the event of a failover yet

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