Linked server to Unisys DMSII

  • HI,



    I am creating a linked server to Unisys DMSII database.

    1. I installed MCP driver and created a ODBC connection. The ODBC was working 2 weeks ago, but now the ODBC connection could not remember the password. If I put the password in the password field and test it, it works, but if I save the settings and exit the configuration, it lost the password when I entered the configuration again.
    2. When the ODBC connection worked 2 weeks ago, I created the linked server using the ODBC connection, the linked server tested successfully, but could not get the database info such as objects. How to run the query to the Unisys DMSII database in the linked server?




  • Now, I got the test connection successfully again, but got the following error:


    cannot initialize the data source object of ole db provider "MSDASQL" for linked server


    Any idea?







  • Now, I got the error 7311, cannot obtain the schema rowset "DBSCHEMA_Tables" for the OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server, the provider supports the interface, but returns a failure code when it is used.

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