Linked Server Passwords

  • Hi,

    We have done some migrations from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005. But the passwords in SQL Server 2005 are case sensitive. We didn’t notice that. So some SQL logins and Linked servers with forgotten passwords (Stored as Hashs) are not working. Could anyone tell me any method or software to retrieve those passwords?

    Thank You,



  • What server are the linked servers connecting to? 2000 or 2005?

    You could always either script out the paswords on the server the logins exist on using the scripts provided by Microsoft fro transfering logins from 2000 to 2000 or 2000 to 2005 and use the hashed passwords for that login and copy it to the code for creating the linked servers and then re-dreate the linked server or just change all the passwords if the linked server is the only thing using it.

    I've not tried this myself but might be woth a try.

  • you can't script the login to the linked server - microsoft put a lovely feature in that strips out the password and replaces it with '########'

    there are a few brute force tools that can do this, but your best bet is to go through source code and find the password from there


  • hold on - if they're linked servers then go to your target server, create a new login and then change the linked server login to use the new username and password?????

    it's the easiest way - forget trying to get your old password - just use a new account for the linked server


  • Hi Mike,

    Thank you very much for your reply.

    I really appreciate your help.



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