Linked Server: No transaction is active

  • Hi Guys,

    I am in bit of dilemma here. I have sql server 2008 installed on 2 different servers with windows 2008 R2 as OS.

    I have created an linked server to read data from another server. I am able to read the data, but when I perform any Insert statement using triggers in the linked server, I get the following error.

    OLE DB provider "SQLNCL0" for linked server <> returned message "No transaction is active.".

    Msg 7391, Level 16, State 2, Line 9

    The operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "" was unable to begin a distributed transaction.

    I have checked the MSDTC settings on both the servers, and it seems fine.

    Not able to identify whats the issue. Any Help would be appreciated.

  • Ok further debugging, I found that when I ran the same query with the linked server in the query window it executes.

    It only gives an error when used with trigger. Is there any option that i need to enable or disable for trigger on Server, in order to execute

  • When you use a Linked Server in a trigger you're starting a transaction on the remote server within the context of an already running transaction in the local server...which requires the use of DTC.

    Why are you trying to use a Linked Server in a trigger anyway? This can cause major problems in your database should the server being referenced by the Linked Server go down.

    A better approach IMO for the trigger would be:

    1) write whatever data you were going to write to the remote server to a local staging table

    2) create a "sweeper process" in the form of a stored procedure that will copy data from the local staging table to the remote server using a Linked Server and remove it from the local staging table (an SSIS package may be an option instead of a stored proc using a Linked Server)

    3) schedule the "sweeper process" to run as often as is required

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