Linked Server

  • Is it possible to insert data from SQL Server to DB2 server using linked server?

    Can it be done using a DTS package where I pass linked server name and remote database name as a parameters to a stored procedure?

    Any ideas?

  • If you are using DTS, can't you make a connection to DB2 without the linked server?

    You probably already have the DB2 client tools installed right ?

    Isn't there an OLE/DB or ODBC driver included in the tools?


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • I am told Linked Servers are faster than DTS. I use linked server through ODBC driver (DSN).

  • I find that hard to believe. I haven't dealt specifically with DB2, but interfacing to other vendors databases has always been extra slow using a Linked Server.

    Have you done any performance comparison?


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Use this stored procedure it is using MS OLE DB Provider, assuming you are NOT using host integration server you can alter it as per your requirment

    EXEC sp_addlinkedserver


       @srvproduct='Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DB2',



       @provstr='Initial Catalog=PUBS;Data Source=DB2;HostCCSID=1252;Network Address=;Network Port=50000;Package Collection=admin;Default Schema=admin;'


    EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'YOURDB2', false, 'SQLUSERNAME', 'DB2USERNAME', 'SQLPASSWORD'


    SELECT *


    This will give you enough idea which route to take.


    Sr. DBA Developer


    Kindest Regards,

    Sr. SQL Server DBA

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