Link to Report?

  • Is there any way to link to a report from a webpage?  We'd like to link to a parameterized report and have the report open/retrieve when the person clicks the link on a webpage.

    Anyone tried this or got it to work?

  • Could you explain in greater details? Is the report the product of database information or do you wish to use the report to extract new information for the database.

    It is certainly possible to create a web page with data retrieved from the database. Inversely, I have used Excel(r) Web Queries to extract data from web pages to Excel(r), then to a database.


  • When does the page get the parameter input? If the parameter is not required until the page is loaded I have been linking to pages within ReportServer directory directly off my web page.  Depending on the security setttings you have on your ReportServer virtual directory you can also just <include>  the content for the report on the page within your site if you have unique menu and header info that you want to have displayed with the report.



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