Link servers

  • yup , i simply copied the script u suggested and made the changes so frankly

    i dont know wat else to do

  • rais-rais (2/19/2009)

    yup , i simply copied the script u suggested and made the changes so frankly

    i dont know wat else to do

    Which login are you using to execute the script?


  • am using sql server authentication

    and the name is slim with password kassim so i changed sa' and kept the slim there as the login like u said

  • Are you sure that the file "C:\Users\babygirl\accessdb\Ayawaso_East.mdb" can be accessed via windows file system?

    Try creating & accessing the linked server using an windows system administrator's account.


  • ramesh:

    Are you sure that the file "C:\Users\babygirl\accessdb\Ayawaso_East.mdb" can be accessed via windows file system?

    Try creating & accessing the linked server using an windows system administrator's account.


    am not sure even though i dont know wat u fully mean ba how do i verrify if it can be accessed via windows file system?

  • Got an idea. Move the access db some where else. Like c:

    You in the users hierarchy, and that may be the problem.

    Have you tried validating the oledb connection?

    Create a text file some where. Rename it to anything.udl. The icon should change. Double click on it. This will allow to test basic oledb functionality outside of SQL Server. Choose the provider, and try the settings, see if it works. If so, it's security context.

  • am not really clear abt wat u saying , if u cud break it down for me or elaborate , anyway i created

    a udl file like u said and the icon did change and when i double click on it, a dialog box pop up saying

    "C:\Users\babygirl\Desktop\test.udl :File Cannot be opened. Ensure it is a valid data link file"

  • Was it an empty file? It needs to be. The UI that pops up basically creates an oledb connection string, and allows you test the connection. An example of a valid contents would be


    ; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring

    Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\jgrubb\My Documents\Database2.mdb;Persist Security Info=False

    Of course, pick a DB on your system. Also, if running the MSSQL Service as a user do this logged in as that user.

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