Latest Topic not sorted from newest to oldest based on last post.

  • Topic says it all.  This is worthless when not sorting the newest first.


  • Lynn, in your signature, what should be links are underlined so that they appear to be links, but they are not. It looks like something got messed up with the BBCode as I can see the ending "[/url]" code for each one. Looking at the HTML source of this page, I see the following for your first link of the signature (I added some line breaks for readability / prevent need to scroll):

    <a class="d4pbbc-url" target="_blank" href=""></a>
    <span class="d4pbbc-underline" style="text-decoration: underline;">For better assistance
    in answering your questions, click here</span>[/url]<br />


    Since the anchor tag is empty, I suspect your BBCode is something along the lines of:


    So you should just be able to remove that first "[/url]" and if they are there, the "[u]" and "[/u]" codes.Take care, Solomon..


    P.S. This editor is killing me!!....I can't find a way to escape the BBCodes to talk about the BBCodes.

    AAGGH...this editor sucks (or at least it does at the moment)....can only escape BBCode by using  &amp;#91; but can't use &amp;lt; to escape a less-than sign, and the code blocks for some reason are not "pre" tags, so HTML and BBCodes are handled as if they are not in a code block at all....come on....


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  • Lynn Pettis wrote:

    Topic says it all.  This is worthless when not sorting the newest first.


    In the top menu bar, select Forums > Most active. This seems to give a sort order with the most recent post/answer at the top.

  • Latest topic is actually what is says on the tin, the latest topic; that's it. So when you view that as the sort order you see the topics that have been created most recently at the top.

    The most recent topics with activity, however, is "Most Active" which is poorly worded, in my view. Most Active, to me, wmeans topics that have the most replies; it should really have a different name.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • If you see this, report where and when. Or screen shot it. I do appreciate some of the items are annoying and some need changing, but lots of the reports don't quite give much detail. Remember we don't always see your experience or perspective. Many of these items are things I never look at.

    This, however, is one. we've fixed it, but certainly we've at times had regressions for the issue. All forums should sort by last post in a thread, descending.

    The naming for "Most Active" is horrible. We are working with limited space there, and worried about menu changes and screen sizes. It's not quite a super simple thing. I've filed a bug for this to go back to "Active Threads" even though it's not going to be by user by unread.


    As I look, I don't see this.


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