Just How Does SQL Server Define A Unique Index

  • Hi Folks

    I am trying to manually import an Oracle table into SQL Server

    In SQL Server:

    I created the table

    I used BCP to import the data

    Now i am trying to put a UNIQUE index on the table using (parentid,ownerid,name) of the table

    SQLServer will not allow it because it looks like it does not seem to distinguish between upper and lower case names:

    The CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key was found for the object name 'dbo.DTREE' and the index name 'DTREE_PRIMARY'.

    The duplicate key value is (-14997325, 14997325, 1 Vote for slide 44).

    I dumped the data from Oracle:


    ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------------

    14996579 -14997325 14997325 1 Vote for slide 44

    14995417 -14997325 14997325 1 vote for slide 44

    In Oracle this was considered a UNIQUE index

    In SQL Server it does not seem to be true. Is it ?????

    How do i get SQLServer to distinguish that these two records are not the same when i try to index the table



  • The default collation in SQL Server is case insensitive. You need to change the collation of either the columns, the table, the database, or the server to a case sensitive collation if you want to mimic the Oracle behavior. The level at which you need to reset the collation will depend on your requirements for this data. If you have other tables you are importing and want this whole db to mimic Oracle, you might want to change it at the DB level. It can be quite confusing, in my opinion to have columns and tables with mixed collation. In any case you probably need to take a look at collation in BOL.

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • Hi David

    well..looking up these collation codes (which you need a PHD to review them all)

    I have


    but i do not see what it should be chaged to in reviewing


    any idea on what i can do ?



  • This should be valid:


    as an alternative, per:


    Are you running 2008?

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • You can get the valid ones for 2008 by:

    select * from fn_helpcollations()

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • are you running an application from this DB?

    i'd exercise caution before changing a collation from case insensitive... (if your Oracle was indeed case sensitive then there should not be an issue.)

    If it is an issue to move to case sensitive perhaps consider using another value in your key, like the DATAID field you have in your Oracle output, which looks like a unique row id.

  • HI David


    i will look into these documents


  • Hi luckus_g

    it is not an issue to change it

    i am in just testing creating tables and indexes and importing data right now

    so i can start over after i make the change



  • Thanks norie

    will take a look


  • I am running the tests on windows server 2008 with sql server 2008


  • Hi Folks

    I made the change to the database after dropping all tables as it would not allow me change the COLLATE value until I did so

    a follow-up question and why

    it seems that changing the database from case insensitive to case sensitive causes the database tables to become unknown

    when trying to select or do an sp_help on them:

    can someone tell me why the heck Microsoft would do something so stupid.

    I just want to change the data, not every object along with the data in the database

    Microsoft treats data and objects the same when it comes to case sensitivity???

    Any incite is appreciated



  • Yes, once a db is case sensitive, it's ALL case sensitive. I don't see a lot of case sensitve SQL Server installations in the wild.

    You should be able to apply the case sensitivity at a more granular level (table or column). What happened when you tried that?

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • David Webb-200187 (10/12/2010)

    This should be valid:


    JC-3113 (10/12/2010)

    I have


    Just a quick note: the "_CI_" in the second one indicates case-insensitive.

    The "_CS_" in the first one indicates case-sensitive.

    JC-3113 (10/13/2010)

    Hi Folks

    I made the change to the database after dropping all tables as it would not allow me change the COLLATE value until I did so

    a follow-up question and why

    it seems that changing the database from case insensitive to case sensitive causes the database tables to become unknown

    when trying to select or do an sp_help on them:

    can someone tell me why the heck Microsoft would do something so stupid.

    I just want to change the data, not every object along with the data in the database

    Microsoft treats data and objects the same when it comes to case sensitivity???

    Any incite is appreciated



    Once the database is in a case-sensitive collation, then:

    CREATE TABLE MyTest (col1);

    SELECT * from mytest; -- this will fail - no such table

    SELECT Col1 from MyTest; -- this will fail - no such column

    And I haven't tested this, but it's quite possible (if your db is named MyOracleDBinSS), that

    SELECT * from myoracledbinss.dbo.MyTest

    will also fail.

    Once a database is case sensitive, you have to be sensitive about what case you're using.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • Hi WayneS

    I guess I found that out, but why ?

    Why would you make the object(s) case sensitive at all ?

    I just want the data to be case sensitive

    are you telling me that a table name called "Table1" is not the same as one called "table1"

    if that is the case

    what an impact that is on typing in sql



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