JSON: why not a JSON data type (like XML has)?

  • I was just curious, is there a reason there is not a JSON data type?

    XML has an XML data type... why not have that for JSON as well?

    *I was hoping someone had read a blog or seen a talk about this, I tried to search but it was difficult to get the desired hits on Google.


  • Maxer - Wednesday, October 4, 2017 8:29 AM

    I was just curious, is there a reason there is not a JSON data type?

    XML has an XML data type... why not have that for JSON as well?

    *I was hoping someone had read a blog or seen a talk about this, I tried to search but it was difficult to get the desired hits on Google.




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  • Although I'll admit, maybe it is a bit odd, but it is easy to add a constraint on a JSON column:
    --Create sample table
    CREATE TABLE SampleJson (JsonString varchar(max));
    --Add Constraint
    ALTER TABLE SampleJson ADD CONSTRAINT ValidJson CHECK (ISJSON(JsonString) > 0);
    --This will fail
    INSERT INTO SampleJson
    VALUES ('test');
    --This will work
    INSERT INTO SampleJson
    VALUES (
    --Clean up
    DROP TABLE SampleJson;

    I can't say I've seen much (any) discussion on the subject though. I have no use for JSON in the "real world" so I've not really kept an eye on discussions on it.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • I think the adoption of the XML type was really low. For the reasons in the blog, lots of people kept XML in nvarchar/varchar columns, and just used some of the functions to query them. I think this is better, rather than investing in a native type, see what the uptake is. They can always add it later.

  • Ah ok that all makes a lot of sense (all the replies) thanks!!

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