joining 4 tables in adventureworks2016

  • Hi can anyone please help me to know that what is the issue with this query


    select Person.Person.LastName, sales.Customer.CustomerID, SD.SalesOrderID, Sales.SalesOrderHeader.OrderDate, SD.ProductID,SD.OrderQty, SD.OrderQty , SD.UnitPrice* SD.OrderQty as total from person.Person inner join


    on Customer.PersonID=Person.BusinessEntityID

    join Sales.Customer as SC on



    Sales.SalesOrderDetail SD on

    sd.SalesOrderID = Sales.SalesOrderHeader.SalesOrderID

    where SD.SalesOrderID =43659

    i have error


    Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 91

    The multi-part identifier "Sales.SalesOrderHeader.SalesOrderID" could not be bound.

    Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 84

    The multi-part identifier "Sales.SalesOrderHeader.OrderDate" could not be bound

    i am expecting result as

    the person name with all order details

  • Few errors

    Referencing a table on the select columns that is not part of the joins - that is your main error

    Giving alias to some tables, and then using the full 3 part naming instead of the alias.

    always use alias in all tables and use that alias to identify the columns - I replace the missing/incorrect ones on your query, along side with some formatting to make it more readable.

    but the table Sales.SalesOrderHeader which is the main error you are getting needs to be added by yourself to the query

    select per.LastName
    , sc1.CustomerID
    , sd.SalesOrderID
    , Sales.SalesOrderHeader.OrderDate -- this table is not on the joins so can't be referenced on this query
    , sd.ProductID
    , sd.OrderQty
    , sd.OrderQty
    , sd.UnitPrice * sd.OrderQty as total
    from person.Person pp
    inner join Sales.Customer sc
    on Customer.PersonID = pp.BusinessEntityID
    inner join Sales.Customer as sc1
    on Customer.CustomerID = sc.CustomerID
    inner join Sales.SalesOrderDetail sd
    on sd.SalesOrderID = sd.SalesOrderID
    where sd.SalesOrderID = 43659
  • Thanks for the reply champion

    this is the main problem that i am not able to join Sales.SalesOrderHeader

    I am joining this at the end as

    sales.SalesOrderDetail.SalesOrderID  = sales.salesorderheader.salesorderID


    but getting error message I have reported earlier

    "The multi-part identifier "Sales.SalesOrderHeader.SalesOrderID" could not be bound.


  • as I said you need to add a join to the sales.salesorderheader table - that is what you are missing. putting "sales.SalesOrderDetail.SalesOrderID  = sales.salesorderheader.salesorderID" is not joining - it is stating that should you have 2 tables on the join (salesorderdetail and salesorderheader) they should be joined by column SalesOrderID. But as you did not add the second table (header) the sql is invalid

  • ah i found issue in my query and have resolved it by writing logic on a paper 1st


    the right query is as follows and its working for me

    select pp.firstname +'_'+

    pp.LastName as CustomerName

    ,convert (date,sh.OrderDate) as orderdate




    ,sd.UnitPrice* sd.OrderQty as total

    from Person.Person as pp

    inner join

    sales.Customer as SC


    pp.BusinessEntityID= sc.CustomerID


    Sales.SalesOrderHeader as Sh




    Sales.SalesOrderDetail as SD


    sd.SalesOrderID= sh.SalesOrderID

  • yes it was typo and i did not check earlier thanks for your reply

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