Join tables with a dynamic table and an unknown number of columns

  • I have a current schema that is fairly normal except one table can have multiple rows that need to pivot. I need to turn those rows into columns and am able to do that independent of the query with the following code that I found while searching for a solution. 
    So I want to include the address lines in the query. There can be from 1 to n address lines and it will always be unknown. I want this to be in a view if possible but if not something that can be used with tools like PowerBI. 

    Here is the pivot code

    --Get unique values of pivot column
         SELECT @PivotColumns = COALESCE(@PivotColumns+',', '')+QUOTENAME(LineNumber)
         FROM (SELECT DISTINCT LineNumber
             FROM [dbo].[AddressLine]
             ) AS addrl;
    --Create the dynamic query with all the values for
    --pivot column at runtime
         SET @sqlquery = N'SELECT AddressID, [GUID], '+@PivotColumns+' as Address_Line_'+SUBSTRING(@PivotColumns, 2, LEN(@PivotColumns)-2)+'
             FROM [dbo].[AddressLine]
             PIVOT( max ([Value])
             FOR LineNumber IN ('+@PivotColumns+')) AS P';
             EXEC sp_execute @sqlquery;

    Here is where I want the results. 

       addr.[Name] AS Address_Name,
    << I want to insert the address lines here>>

    FROM dbo.[Address] AS addr 


  • Please post sample data and expected results.  Follow the first link in my signature for details.

    NOTE: Views cannot use dynamic SQL.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Thanks, I will work on that. the pivot query has a few problems that I just found out. Once I correct that I will repost.

  • /*
    Ok, Here is the revision. I have a few things,
    1) to pivot and join the results,
    2) to rename columns in the pivot.
    3) Make this callable so a product like PowerBI can use it.

    Problem, Address lines are an unknown quantity per address.
    They can be 1 line, 3 lines, 21 lines or anything in between or more.
    Any vehicle within SQL Server is available to me.


    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#Address','U') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #Address;

    CREATE TABLE #Address
    ([GUID]     [NVARCHAR](250) NOT NULL,
    [Name]     [NVARCHAR](200) NOT NULL,
    [City]     [NVARCHAR](250) NOT NULL,
    [Subdivision1Code] [NVARCHAR](250) NULL,
    [Subdivision2Code] [NVARCHAR](250) NULL,
    [PostalCode]   [NVARCHAR](50) NULL,
    [CountryCode]  [NVARCHAR](3) NOT NULL

    INSERT INTO #Address
    ([GUID], [Name], [City], [Subdivision1Code], [Subdivision2Code], [PostalCode], [CountryCode])
    ('TestName1', 'TestName1', 'Ontario', 'CA', 'San Bernardino', '91764', 'USA'),
    ('TestName2', 'TestName2', 'Upland', 'CA', 'San Bernardino', '91784', 'USA'),
    ('TestName3', 'TestName3', 'Anaheim', 'CA', 'Orange', '92801', 'USA');

    SELECT * FROM #address;

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#AddressLine','U') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #AddressLine;

    CREATE TABLE #AddressLine
    ([GUID]   [NVARCHAR](250) NOT NULL,
    [AddressID] [NVARCHAR](250) NOT NULL,
    [LineNumber] [INT] NOT NULL,
    [Value]  [NVARCHAR](2000) NOT NULL
    INSERT INTO #AddressLine
    ([GUID], [AddressID], [LineNumber], [Value])
    ('T1Adr1', 'TestName1', 1, '1150 W 17th Street'),('T1Adr2', 'TestName1', 2, 'Suite 5'),
    ('T2Adr1', 'TestName2', 1, '1200 N Mountain Ave'),
    ('T3Adr1', 'TestName3', 1, '1126 N Hermosa Dr'),
    ('T3Adr2', 'TestName3', 2, 'Suite 16'),
    ('T3Adr3', 'TestName3', 3, 'Accounts Payable');

    SELECT *
    FROM #addressline;

    -- Desired Result
    TestName1|1150 W 17th Street|Suite 5|NULL|Ontario|CA|San Bernardino|91764|USA
    TestName2|1200 N Mountain Ave|NULL|NULL|Upland|CA|San Bernardino|91784|USA
    TestName3|1126 N Hermosa Dr|Suite 16|Accounts Payable|Anaheim|CA|Orange|92801|USA

    --Pivot query for address liness
    -- I would like this to be part of the query to get the format I want.
    SELECT @cols = STUFF(
      FROM #AddressLine FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
    ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 1, '');
    SET @query = 'SELECT AddressID, '+@cols+' from
          select AddressID, LineNumber, [Value]
          from #AddressLine
        ) x
          for LineNumber in ('+@cols+')
        ) p ';
    EXECUTE (@query);

    --Query for address
    SELECT [Name],
      -- Insert address lines here as a single row from the pivot
       [Subdivision2Code] AS [County],
       [SubDivision1Code] AS [State],
    FROM #Address;

  • There's no need for a dynamic query here, since you are limited in the number of address lines you can have.  I also replaced your PIVOT with a CROSSTAB, because it's more flexible.  Specifically, PIVOT groups by all columns not specified in the pivot clause, and I did not want to include the GUID.

    WITH AddressLines AS
     MAX( CASE WHEN LineNumber = 1 THEN [Value] END ) AS AddressLine1,
     MAX( CASE WHEN LineNumber = 2 THEN [Value] END ) AS AddressLine2,
     MAX( CASE WHEN LineNumber = 3 THEN [Value] END ) AS AddressLine3
    FROM #addressline
    GROUP BY AddressID
    SELECT a.[Name], al.AddressLine1, al.AddressLine2, al.AddressLine3, City, Subdivision2Code AS County, Subdivision1Code AS [State], PostalCode, CountryCode
    FROM #Address a
    INNER JOIN AddressLines al
    ON a.GUID = al.AddressID;


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • The number of address lines is unknown for any customer. it is 1 to n and while typically is 4 or less can be more. I also wanted to extend this to other problems of the same nature. If there is no solution I will just add address lines to the main table.

  • fparker 20089 - Thursday, August 2, 2018 1:09 PM

    The number of address lines is unknown for any customer. it is 1 to n and while typically is 4 or less can be more. I also wanted to extend this to other problems of the same nature. If there is no solution I will just add address lines to the main table.

    The number for each customer may be unknown, but the max according to your sample is three.  The sample also shows that you are always including all three columns regardless of how many address lines a customer has.  If that still isn't enough, search on this website for "Dynamic Crosstab"


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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