Job View

  • I have a server that handles all of my data and has several jobs.  Unfortunately do to our small number of local servers, this server also is my replication server.  It doesn't replicate much (just 10 small sized tables) to various several sql servers across the country.  The problem is that the replication, of course, creates an individual job for each server that I am replicating too.  Which makes it hard for me to find all of the local jobs I need to maintain.  Is there a way to hide the replication jobs from Enterprise Manager?  If not, will it cause problems if I rename the replications jobs so that when I sort by name they will all be at the bottom of the list?

    Thanks, Adam

  • Replication jobs have the category name starting with "REPL-", so its easy to sort your jobs by category.

    You could also rename the distribution jobs to what ever you like (I didn't tried to rename the log reader job).

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