job error with select/into

  • SQL7:

    I detached/copied/reattached a large database onto a new server.

    I run a scheduled job to: 1) drop a table, 2) select into droppedtable, 3) create index and set permission

    This job ran fine on oldserver. The job errors off on newserver with

    Cannot run SELECT INTO in this database. The database owner must run sp_dboption to enable this option. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 268).  The step failed.

    The SELECT INTO option is indeed on -and- I turned it off/on again to make sure. All db options look the same and I built the job from the ground up matching the other job exactly.

    Also, the TSQL code in the job step runs errorfree in QA.

    I am not finding anything in KB and BOL for error 268 basically says to turn on the select into/bulk copy option.


    Any suggestions?

    Thanks a heap.



    After further review, the job step was pointing to master db.

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