Issues with saving DTSX files from file system to SQL Server

  • I originally saved all my converted DTSX files to the file system, but then I found out they require a password to be set in order to run using a SQL Server Agent job. I set the password and was able to run them fine through a job. So what I'm trying to do now is to save them to the SQL Server (msdb) location and remove the password. I currently have the Protection Level set to EncryptAllWithPassword, but I'd like to set it to ServerStorage, without a password. However every time I try to change it to ServerStorage and click save, I get this error:

    Failed to apply package protection with error 0xC0014061 "The protection level, ServerStorage, cannot be used when saving to this destination. The system could not verify that the destination supports secure storage capability.". This error occurs when saving to Xml.

    I've even tried to save the DTSX to the sql server location first, then edit using BIDS to remove the encryption, but I still get the same error.

  • hey Nat,

    Try using package configurations which you save to SQL server.

    Then you dont need to save sensitive at all

    Hope this helps


  • Are you saying I have to recreate my package? All I'm trying to do is remove the encryption while saving to the database, or after saving to the database, but neither is working.

  • No not at all...

    If you click on SSIS, package configurations, have a look at what is available.

    All that will happen is that whatever you are saving in a package configuration will load at runtime.


    a) Create a database called SSIS configurations

    b) In your connection manager, create a connection called SSIS configurations

    c) Click on SSIS > package configurations. This will allow you to save anything you have in either data flow, or control flow.

    Select SQL server as configuration type, create a new table (by default the table being created will be dbo.[SSIS Configurations])

    For arguments sake, lets say you want to save the connection string of a specific OLEDB connection, make the configuration filter as descriptive as possible

    Select next, and you will see your OLEDB connection under the connection manager. If you expand this, you will notice that the connectionstring property is available.

    Select next, and give this a descriptive name. This name is what will appear under the package configurations.

    d) If you query the table in SQL, you will notice that the connection string is saved as a configured value.

    Therefore, no need to save any of the sensitive information. When the package opens, it loads the values from the configuration table.

    Good luck


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