Issue with CTE

  • Hi all. I'm having trouble with a reference to a CTE not working in an update statement.

    here are my basic tables and some basic data.

    CREATE TABLE Clients


    ClientRef INT,

    ClientName VARCHAR(50),

    BranchRef INT,

    PRIMARY KEY (ClientRef)


    CREATE TABLE ClientExtra


    ClientRef INT,

    FormerBranch VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (ClientRef)


    CREATE TABLE Entities


    EntityRef INT,

    EntityName VARCHAR(50),

    Type INT

    PRIMARY KEY (EntityRef)


    INSERT INTO Clients (ClientRef, ClientName, BranchRef) VALUES (1000001, 'Mr Bloggs', 1000003);

    INSERT INTO Clients (ClientRef, ClientName, BranchRef) VALUES (1000002, 'Mr Jones', 1000003);

    INSERT INTO ClientExtra (ClientRef, FormerBranch) VALUES (1000001, 'Testing');

    INSERT INTO ClientExtra (ClientRef, FormerBranch) VALUES (1000002, 'Test');

    INSERT INTO Entities (EntityRef, EntityName, Type) VALUES (1000001, 'Consultant', 1);

    INSERT INTO Entities (EntityRef, EntityName, Type) VALUES (1000002, 'Supplier', 2);

    INSERT INTO Entities (EntityRef, EntityName, Type) VALUES (1000003, 'Branch', 3);

    INSERT INTO Entities (EntityRef, EntityName, Type) VALUES (1000004, 'New Branch', 3);

    The BranchRef in the Clients table, is the EntityRef from the Entities table, where the "Type" is 3. I wish to update the "FormerBranch" column in the "ClientExtra" table, with the name of the "Entity" the clients currently have set as the BranchRef. The code I have is:

    WITH ClientBranch AS


    SELECT Entities.EntityName AS [EntityName], Clients.BranchRef AS [BranchRef]

    FROM Clients LEFT JOIN Entities ON Clients.BranchRef = Entities.EntityRef AND Entities.Type = 3


    UPDATE ClientExtra SET FormerBranch = CASE WHEN ClientBranch.EntityName IS NULL THEN ' ' ELSE ClientBranch.EntityName

    I'm just getting a load of "Could not be bound" items in the SQL, which I don't understand. I've used this exact same syntax on SELECT and DELETE statements before and it works.

    If I run the below all is well.

    WITH ClientBranch AS


    SELECT Entities.EntityName AS [EntityName], Clients.BranchRef AS [BranchRef]

    FROM Clients LEFT JOIN Entities ON Clients.BranchRef = Entities.EntityRef AND Entities.Type = 3


    SELECT * FROM ClientBranch

    Is there something I'm doing wrong?



  • You're not referencing your CTE on your UPDATE statement. Additionally, you don't have anything to make a relationship (and that's caused by the previous reason).

    You don't actually need a CTE, something as simple as a JOIN should work.


    FormerBranch = CASE WHEN e.EntityName IS NULL

    THEN ' '

    ELSE e.EntityName


    FROM ClientExtra ce

    JOIN Clients c ON ce.ClientRef = c.ClientRef


    JOIN Entities e ON c.BranchRef = e.EntityRef AND e.Type = 3

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2

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