Issue retrieving XML value in result set...

  • Hello - I have a table with an XML datatype column in a SQL 2008 R2 database that I would like to retrieve the node value from. I have searched on this and should be able to simple get this value (without the need for a CROSS APPLY technique since there is only one element value in the node) by the following method:

    SELECT [id],









    [extendedinfo].value('(/ExtendedInfo/Fragmentation)[1]', 'VARCHAR(MAX)')



    [command] = CASE









    FROM [_DBAMain].[dbo].[commandlog]

    Column 10 above is the 'extendedinfo' column (AS Fragmentation in result set), and is the XML datatype column. The values stored in the XML look like the following:





    I simply want to grab the Fragmentation value from the XML for my result set, but I keep getting NULL values for every row (see attached).

    Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

  • Hi. At face value, the xpath is correct for the xml example that you have posted so at this point I'd go and do some sanity checks on the base table/schema etc.

    What happens if you just select the xml column as per the below, are you getting xml back in column 2 but not column 3?

    SELECT [id],


    [extendedinfo].value('(/ExtendedInfo/Fragmentation)[1]', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'),

    FROM [_DBAMain].[dbo].[commandlog]

    Is the column schema bound? posting the schema definition may help.

    Normally when i get this type of issue either I have the xpath wrong (doesn't look that here) or there are namespaces involved.

  • You were correct on doing a sanity check...The query works fine in my PROD environment, but was not working over in my QA environment. Odd thing is I literally just created this table with the DDL from PROD, but I think something got fouled up with the data copy over to QA. It works fine now since I recreated the table and reloaded the data.

    However - I now have a new problem...I need to convert that column to a DECIMAL(2,1) with ROUND precision. I am getting close using CAST twice, but I'm getting errors with the alias naming. It looks like this right now:

    SELECT [id],









    CAST(CAST([extendedinfo].value('(/ExtendedInfo/Fragmentation)[1]', 'VARCHAR(MAX)') + '%' AS 'extendedinfo' AS DECIMAL(2,1))),

    [command] =










    FROM [_DBAMain].[dbo].[commandlog]

    The error states Incorrect syntax near "extendedinfo". Expecting DOUBLE, ID, NATIONAL, or QUOTED_ID.

    I have tried to close the 'extendedinfo' column alias with double quotes, parens, brackets, but thus far - no luck in clearing this error. Perhaps I am going about this the wrong way? I am just trying to convert it to DECIMAL right now, and will address the ROUNDing there after. I have also tried using CONVERT but have had even less luck there. If I need to take this over to another forum specific to T-SQL, I will do that as well (just let me know).

  • Hi, glad you got to the bottom of it!.

    I think I understand what you are trying to do i.e. show the fragmentation as a percentage i.e. 85.5%? If so then this should work as the column definition for extendedInfo:

    SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), [extendedinfo].value('(/ExtendedInfo/Fragmentation)[1]', 'DECIMAL(4,1)') )+'%' AS 'extendedinfo'

    FROM [_DBAMain].[dbo].[commandlog]

  • That is exactly what I was looking to do, and thanks to you - I am now doing exactly that!

    Thank you again Arthur, and Happy New Year to you!


  • No problem, thanks for the feedback.. Happy new year to you too.

  • Just a quick performance note; when returning a text value from XML, you should specify the text() node for better performance.

    For example, this:

    [extendedinfo].value('(/ExtendedInfo/Fragmentation)[1]', 'DECIMAL(4,1)') )+'%' AS 'extendedinfo'

    should be this:

    [extendedinfo].value('(/ExtendedInfo/Fragmentation/text())[1]', 'DECIMAL(4,1)') )+'%' AS 'extendedinfo'

    If you compare the two, you will see that the query that specifies the text node in your XPath expression produces a better query plan. 😉

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

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