IsDate() - function

  • I need to check whether a string represents a valid date and, if so, convert it to a datetime value in the same table.

    I use:

    update <table>

    set BuchungZeit = Convert(datetime,<col>,112)

    where IsDate(SubString(<col>,1,4)+'-'+


    SubString(<col>,7,2)) = 1

    I have a problem with IsDate() being nondeterministic: testing the where-clause against consecutive manipulations of some values of the column <col> does not always yield correct results. The SQL-Documentation states:

    "Deterministic only if used with the CONVERT function, the CONVERT style parameter is specified and the style parameter is not equal to 0, 100, 9, or 109."

    But how can i use IsDate() with Convert() without receiving Error 242 for an invalid date format in <col>?

    Since I use both SQL Server 7 and SQL Server 2000, writing a udf is not really a solution.



  • It seems that this would work:

    update <table>

    set BuchungZeit = cast(<col> as datetime)

    where IsDate(<col>) = 1

    You are checking the first 9 characters of <col> in your where clause, yet you aren't as discriminating in your set command. If your column length could potentially exceed 9 characters then this would work:

    update <table>

    set BuchungZeit = cast(left(<col>,9) as datetime)

    where IsDate(left(<col>,9)) = 1

  • thanks awmuse,

    being less discriminate really works. But the problem is not the difference between the set command and the where clause (since when checking the where clause I used "select ...").

    The date-column <col> to be checked has format style 112 (yyyymmdd) and from the SQL2000 documentation I concluded that I need to supply style 101 or 120 to IsDate() in order to get correct results. Rather, supplying the <col> as is in style 112 works nicely.

    Remains the question why "select IsDate(20000228)" results correctly in 1, but both "select IsDate('02/28/00')" and "select IsDate('2000-02-28')" result in 0?

    Any ideas?

    regards, Thomas

  • Oddly enough all 3 returned 1 for me. What language are you setup with for date formating?

    Sorry more specifically set default for me these all return 1. If I do SET DATEFORMAT

    mdy = 1,1,1

    dmy = 1,0,0

    ymd = 1,0,1

    ydm = 1,0,0

    dym = 1,0,0

    myd = 1,0,1

    with your values.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

    Edited by - antares686 on 03/27/2002 04:50:52 AM

  • You are right, thanks.

    The DATEFORMAT setting determines the behaviour; mine is 'dmy'.

    But still, IsDate() seems somewhat weird:

    why does "select IsDate(20000228)" and "select IsDate('20000228')" both return 1 with a setting of 'dmy'?

    Did anyone understand this nondeterministic stuff for IsDate() in the documentation?


  • I believ in the case on IsDate it actually performs a type change and looks for a return error which means cannot be formatted to that datatype. I am have always viewed nondeterministic functions as those that are effected by environmental differences suc as the system date format or language setting.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

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