is this possible

  • Hi guys, well this might be a bit basic, but gonna take the plunge...

    I need to implant a database; the database will hold property info number of beds and owner details etc....

    I want to be able to upload new details and pictures via my website

    When someone does a search the info and pictures r displayed via a listing and they click it to view the details is this possible and where to start i have 100 meg of sql web space set up i have bilt the web myself so wonder if i can sort this out....

  • It is possible and try

    Steve Jones

  • thanks for the site info, but i was hoping for more knowledge about building the database and the 1st steps

    i have all my hosting taken care off

  • You'd have to proivde more info on what you want. As far as building a database, we can help with specific questions, but not with a general "how to build a db" here. There are some articles on doing specific things. I may write one, but it won't be quick.

    If you have the website built, then what kind of db setup help do you need?

    Steve Jones

  • ok so where can i learn how to build this database. i am using Access 2002xp and sql 7.0

  • What do you mean? Using Access and SQL 7 are completely different. If you have hosting, have they setup a db or do you do it?

    If you have Access setup, then you can use the Upsize wizard to move it to SQL. If you are building from scratch, then if you provide a sample table, we can show you how to write a script to build it in SQL.

    Steve Jones

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