Is there an "easy" way to do this?

  • Hello, I consider myself to be decent at SQL....I don't use it as much anymore. I have a column of data that I only want to pull the ID from. The field is called BODY. It contains:

    Discontinued Rx # 0011122657 via Prescription File

    I just want to pull 0011122657

    is that doable?

  • cory.bullard76 (8/2/2016)

    Hello, I consider myself to be decent at SQL....I don't use it as much anymore. I have a column of data that I only want to pull the ID from. The field is called BODY. It contains:

    Discontinued Rx # 0011122657 via Prescription File

    I just want to pull 0011122657

    is that doable?

    there are several ways this can be achieved, but given the single row example you provided, its hard to suggest what is correct.

    can you please post some more representative sample data.


    need to know if digits are always the same length

    need to know if digits are always in the same position

    need to know if digits are always preceeded by #



    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
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  • Sorry....yes to all of your questions. All of the data looks just like the example

  • maybe

    DECLARE @STR VARCHAR(100) = 'Discontinued Rx # 0011122657 via Prescription File'

    SELECT SUBSTRING(@str,19,10)

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • cory.bullard76 (8/2/2016)

    Sorry....yes to all of your questions. All of the data looks just like the example

    In that case:

    SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(FieldName, 'Discontinued Rx #', '') 'via Prescription File', ''), ' ', '')

    Michael L John
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  • Going further on J Livingston's formula.

    DECLARE @STR VARCHAR(100) = 'Discontinued Rx # 0011122657 via Prescription File'

    SELECT SUBSTRING(@str,19,10) AS FixedLength_FixedPos,

    SUBSTRING(@str,PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',@str),10) AS FixedLength_VarPos,

    SUBSTRING(@str,19,PATINDEX('%[0-9] %',@str)-18) AS VarLength_FixedPos,

    SUBSTRING(@str,PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',@str),PATINDEX('%[0-9] %',@str)-PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',@str) + 1) AS VarLength_VarPos

    Luis C.
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  • You may want to look at these scripts[/url]


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