Is there a "date modified" field

  • I'd love to be able to see when a table or stored procedure was last modified. Is there such a field (there is a "date created" field) and how does one get to it?

    Connecticut, USA

  • Try Bill Wunder's archive utlitity (available in Products|Freeware). It scripts the items out to disk and into Visual Source Safe. If there are any changes then these get records in VSS.

    I'm not aware of anything within SQL Server which would tell you this information.


  • quote:

    I'm not aware of anything within SQL Server which would tell you this information.

    unless you want to go for C2 auditing


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Not when, but you can tell that an object was modified based on the base_schema_ver column in sysobjects. The only benefit is derived when you compare current to prior to determine that a change occured - you still can't implicitly tell what changed though.

    We use this and take a snapshot of sysobjects at midnight and compare its' results to sysobjects at say noon. Based on the base_schema_ver, we can tell a change occured. Again, that is all we can tell.

    Hope this helps.

    Be great!


    Be great!

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