Is SQL Server 2008 R1 available for purchase

  • Hello,

    I am a SS 2005 DBA. A department in my firm is purchasing new accounting software that requires SS 2008 R1. The vendor specifically states that R2 is not supported.

    Is it possible to purchase R1, or somehow limit an installation of SS 2008 Std Edition to a R1 configuration?



  • Yes, you can buy 2008. It's just called SQL Server 2008. R2 is an entirely different version with different install media/etc. There is no way to patch/update 2008 to be 2008 R2, if that's what you're worried about happening. You could do a full in-place upgrade to R2, but that would be the same process as upgrading 2005 -> 2008, i.e. not something done accidentally.

  • Perfect.

    Thanks Derrick.

  • you will probably be sold a SQL2008 R2 backward compatibility license. Which means you are paying for R2 and could use it if you wanted, but the license allows the use of previous versions. the software you get will be what you ask for - SQL 2008


  • George, thanks. That's an interesting piece of information. I'll pass it on to the Purchaser, so the process will be more understandable.

    thanks again to everyone in this community forum, it really rocks.

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