Is Point in time recovery is possible in Bulk Logged Recovery...?

  • This is what I have done (here I have mentioned the time as well)

    Recovery model: bulk

    inserted 200 rows @ 1.41Pm

    taken a full backup

    Imported data from Excel File and the Query has been executed @ 1.42pm and it Executed for 26 seconds

    (640016 row(s) affected)

    Imported data from Excel File and the Query has been executed @ 1.43pm and it Executed for 17 seconds

    (640016 row(s) affected)

    Imported data from Excel File and the Query has been Executed @ 1.44pm and it Executed for 13 seconds

    taken log back up

    Now total No of Rows in the Table are 1920248 Rows


    (Each case refer to a new recovered database)

    Case 1: Recovered a database using full and tlog to the time 1.42 pm 20 seconds

    I Got 200 rows only to the new restored Database

    Case 2: Recovered a database using full and tlog to the time 1.42 pm 50 seconds

    I Got 640216 rows to the new restored Database

    Case 3: Recovered a database using full and tlog to the time 1.43 pm 15 seconds

    I Got 640216 rows to the new restored Database

    Case 4: Recovered a database using full and tlog to the time 1.43 pm 50 seconds

    I Got 1280232 rows to the new restored Database

    Case 5:Recovered a database using full and tlog with out using point in time recover.

    Got 1920248 rows

    The thing here is, I got all the rows back which were inserted using Bulk Insert Statement

    finally, my Question is what is the point in saying 'Point in time recovery not possible in Bulk Logged Recovery Model'

    Please don't mind if any mistakes.. As I'm completely new to SQL Server 2005.....

    Thanks in Advance... Hope Someone Replies...... 🙂

  • Point in time recovery is possible in bulk-logged recovery, unless there is a minimally-logged operation within the log over that period.

    In a minimally-logged operation, the actual changes are not fully logged and the modified pages are included within the log backup. Since the pages are as-of the time of the log backup, not the time the change was made, the DB cannot be restored to a point within that log backup as there's no guarantee of consistency.

    How did you import the data from excel?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Thanks for the reply....... need to work on it....

    Here is my answer for the question,

    How did I imported data from excel sheet?

    First change the Excel file into .CSV (Comma Delimited) format

    Which will help the file (sampel.csv) to be opened in notepad and help u and SQL Server in understanding the file.

    By Opening the file(sampel.csv) u can know about the attributes fieldterminator and rowterminator in bulk insert statement.

    so here is final Query for the BULK INSERT......... remember one thing u should have a database table in the location where u want to insert the table with all the attributes and make sure it has got all data types as character which will reduce the risk... 🙂

    BULK INSERT dbname.schemaname.tablename from 'C:\....' with ( fieldterminator='field_terminator ', rowterminator='row_terminator')

    for finding the field terminator and row terminator open the file in notepad to check.

    most usually for the format I used it has got fieldterminator as ',' and fieldterminator as ''


    Bulk insert sampledb.dbo.names from 'c:\sample.csv' with (fieldterminator=',', rowterminator='')


    thank you... please any queries...??

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