is it possible to union all two CTEs?

  • Lynn, ***please***, I have not oversimplified the problem. The problem is to use CTEs. You are providing an alternate to CTEs, which I am not asking for unless someone can produce a result set that I am after (yours doesn't).

    My original DDL is sufficient for demonstrating two sets of CTEs, each of which produce a result set, which I want to combine into one.

  • Based on your original post, the correct code is this:

    create table #temp(

    ID int,

    Name varchar(20)


    insert into #temp

    values (10, 'Helen'),

    (20, 'Joe'),

    (30, 'Blake');

    with cte as (

    select * from #temp


    select * from cte

    union all

    select * from cte;

    The cte's must defined prior to the selects and both cte's are identical therefore only one is needed.

    Now, how about providing the actual problem you are trying to solve.

  • Your original code:

    create table #temp (ID int, Name varchar(20))

    insert into #temp


    (10, 'Helen'),

    (20, 'Joe'),

    (30, 'Blake');

    ;with cte as

    (select * from #temp)

    select * from cte

    union all

    ;with cte as -- << error is here

    (select * from #temp)

    select * from cte

    The error message:

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 12

    Incorrect syntax near ';'.

    If you double click on the error message in the messages tab it takes you directly to the error.

    Also, CTE's do not start with a semicolon. The semicolon is a statement terminiator not a statement begininator.

  • Please accept that the question evolved a little. If you would prefer, I will open a new thread.

    I've added a third cte per script; In real life situation I have to use three CTEs per script for the results I'm after. I can't post real scripts. How would I UNION ALL two scripts, which utilize three CTEs each.

    The reason I have 3 CTEs per script is that I need to create a column called Category, to alternately contain 'Count' or 'Duration' and I need to show counts and duration for each name. I didn't find a way to do this using one script.

    ;with ct1 as



    ,Value = COUNT(ticketID)

    from #temp

    group by Name

    ), ct2 as




    , Value

    , Category = 'Count'

    from ct1




    , Category

    , Value

    , Memo = NULL

    from ct2


    ;with ct1 as




    from #temp

    ), ct2 as




    , Value= (Select sum(Duration))

    , Category = 'Duration'

    from ct1

    group by name




    , Category

    , Value

    , Memo = NULL

    from ct2

    Results to look as follows:

    Name | Category | Value | Memo

    Blake | Count | 2 | NULL

    Blake | Duration | 62 | NULL

    Helen | Count | 2 | NULL

    Helen | Duration | 28 | NULL

    Joe | Count | 2 | NULL

    Joe | Duration | 33 | NULL

  • I think you're looking for something like this.

    ;with ct1 as



    ,Duration, 2 as rank

    from #temp

    ), ct2 as




    , sum(Duration) as value

    , 'Duration' as category,

    , 1 as rank

    from ct1

    group by name




    , Category

    , Value

    , null as Memo

    from ct2

    union all

    select name,

    'Count' as category,


    null as memo

    from CTE1

    order by name,rank

    A few notes:

    - because you're doing a union (even if it's a union all), you need to be disciplined to make sure that both parts have the same names and that they're in the same order within the query.

    - using the = in a select to create an alias is being deprecated, you really want to avoid that notation if possible.

    - the rows won't just order themselves without you telling them HOW to be ordered correctly, so structure the order by accordingly. Remember that there is no such thing as physical or natural order in databases, so you have to be explicit about the ordering.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Once again, you really don't need to use CTEs in this example. I am posting my code again, but this time I have included a version using CTEs. If the order of the data from each CTE is also important, add a "rank" column like Matt Miller did in his code and include that in the ORDER BY clause along with the Name column.

    The "rank" column can be added to each individual query (my original code) or in the CTEs.

    create table #temp (

    TicketID int,

    Name varchar(20),

    Duration int


    insert into #temp

    values (10, 'Helen', 8),

    (15, 'Blake', 12),

    (20, 'Joe', 17),

    (25, 'Joe', 16),

    (30, 'Blake', 50),

    (35, 'Helen', 20);




    'Count' as Category,

    count(Name) as Value



    group by


    union all



    'Duration' as Category,

    sum(Duration) as Value



    group by


    order by



    with cte1 as (



    'Count' as Category,

    count(Name) as Value



    group by


    ), cte2 as (



    'Duration' as Category,

    sum(Duration) as Value



    group by



    select * from cte1

    union all

    select * FROM CTE2

    order by



    drop table #temp;


  • KoldCoffee (5/1/2013)

    please don't take the sample scripts to literally. They are over simplified, so my question is still... how to combine the results of two scripts sharing identical columns, each made up of several CTEs (as posted above)? I am not trying to UNION ALL two ctes but rather two sets of CTEs.

    The easiest way would be to use a SELECT...INTO... for each set of CTEs and then UNION your temp tables.

    Otherwise, it's hard to give a good answer without all the details.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Luis thanks, I decided to go with that solution this morning. Appreciate it.

  • Matt, thank you for your answers. I didn't know '=' sign is being deprecated. Will look into alternatives. As far as order is concerned, I'm not in need of's truly relational set I'm after in the results.

    I will try to rewrite my queries without CTE's so that I do not have problem with combining results. Selecting into the destination table two times is sufficient for now...I will post better DDL in separate thread for help redoing the queries if I need help.

    Thanks for the help.

  • Matt Miller (#4) (5/1/2013)

    I think you're looking for something like this.

    ;with ct1 as



    ,Duration, 2 as rank

    from #temp

    ), ct2 as




    , sum(Duration) as value

    , 'Duration' as category,

    , 1 as rank

    from ct1

    group by name




    , Category

    , Value

    , null as Memo

    from ct2

    union all

    select name,

    'Count' as category,


    null as memo

    from CTE1

    order by name,rank

    A few notes:

    - because you're doing a union (even if it's a union all), you need to be disciplined to make sure that both parts have the same names and that they're in the same order within the query.

    - using the = in a select to create an alias is being deprecated, you really want to avoid that notation if possible.

    - the rows won't just order themselves without you telling them HOW to be ordered correctly, so structure the order by accordingly. Remember that there is no such thing as physical or natural order in databases, so you have to be explicit about the ordering.

    Not completely true regarding the = being depcrecated in SQL Server.

    This is being deprecrated:

    A string enclosed in quotation marks used as a column alias for an expression in a SELECT list:

    'string_alias' = expression

    The following can be used:

    expression [AS] column_alias

    expression [AS] [column_alias]

    expression [AS] "column_alias"

    expression [AS] 'column_alias'

    column_alias = expression

  • I recon Lynn's code can be simplified.

    Since both CTE's use the same grouping they may be merged in one:

    with cte as (



    count(Name) as [Count],

    sum(Duration) as Duration

    from #temp

    group by Name


    select Name, 'Count' as Category, [Count] as [Value]

    from cte

    union all

    select Name, 'Duration' as Category, Duration as [Value]

    FROM cte

    order by Name;


    But since the code in CTE is re-executed each time the CTE is referenced I have to support Lynn here - CTE does not provide any advantage.

    Except, probably, more pleasant look of the query.

    If you have many categories to display you better go with a temp table in place of CTE.

    Then the base table will be queried just once.

    And all UNION parts will be reading the #temp resultset cached in memory.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • My 2 Cents worth,

    Seeing as Count(tickets) and Sum(duation) are both aggregates on the same dataset with the same grouping, why not do them in the one CTE and then UNPIVOT() the results

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