Is it possible to export a schema to a Word doc?

  • I stumbled across an app that creates a 'model' of a database structure in a Word document. The product is called SchemaToDoc ( and after running the demo on an application's database I see that it generates exactly what I need for documentation purposes. Is there a function is SQL 2000 that exports the table structure in such a way that I can view the tables and their relationships? Note: I am relative neophyte with regard to databases. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. 

  • Try to use Visio. It has EXCELLENT tools built in for this purpose.

  • Why not use the SQL Server Diagram Wizard. I am not exactly sure what you want to generate. but i think using the Diagram tool in SQL will help. Let me know if it helps.

  • I'm not exactly sure about exporting a word doc schema to SQL Server.  I would have to guess that this is not possible, or if it is, it will not work correctly.

    I have used Visio for data modeling and have even found that tool to have it's problems when actually trying to export the database model into SQL Server.  It fails to export objects such as Notes (for your table or column descriptions).  It also has trouble setting up relationships, etc.  If Visio does not work properly, I can't see word working properly (if it even does it).

    While Visio is an excellent tool for modeling, I would not rely on it to build your database and expect everything to go smoothly.  I would agree with yaweah... use SQL Server for your diagram, or use another diagram tool such as visio or word as your tool.  Then once your model is complete, reference it to build your database from scratch.

    Hope this helps.

  • Sorry, I read your post a little backwards.  To export a diagram from SQL Server, I would use Visio or the SQL Server Diagram wizard.  Again, not sure about doing that is word.

    Thanks for the information about SchemaToDoc, I'll have to check it out.


  • Try this. it works. (befor it make sure you turn your macro security in MS word to medium or low )


    -- Amit

    "There is no 'patch' for stupidity."

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  • Amit, many thanks -- the Dbase Documentor worked beautifully. Question: Before I start my own search, do you know of a 'documentor' that reads Oracle in the same manner?

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