Is it possible to embed OLE objects in SSRS reports?

  • Hello, Everyone,

    I'm converting about a gadzillion reports from Crystal Reports v8.5 to SSRS (SQL Server 2005).

    One of the Crystal reports has an embedded OLE object - it's a form letter in MS Word format.

    I'd like to similarly embed this document in the SSRS version of the report, since the form letter contains a good deal of formatting I woudn't want to try replicating by hand.

    Does anyone know if this can be done, please? I can't seem to find any documentation on the question.



  • I also used to do this in Crystal Reports, but I've not found any method of doing the same thing in SSRS. The one thing I would say though is that it's easier to produce a very specific format inside SSRS due to the nature of the Table object, this is really what I used it for inside Crystal and I probably wouldn't want to do that again in SSRS, although I understand if there are other objects you might want to include.

    Maybe save the MS-Word document as a JPG then embed it in the SSRS, however, this will not be the equivalent of a Linked OLE, so any changes to the Word Doc would mean re-importing to the SSRS.

    If anyone else knows a workaround I'd like to know too.


    Nigel West

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