internal prameter property

  • Hi

    can any one explain the difference between internal and hidden property in parameters properties ??

    and when we use the internal property

  • Quoting the following page:

    The difference between Hidden and Internal is that hidden variable can be changed from mechanisms and internal variables cannot be changed.

    What I think this means in practical terms, if you have a website, or application, or anything that is going call a report the value of the hidden variable can be manipulated by the calling program, whereas the value of an internal variable cannot.

  • Hi

    thanks for replying..But still i am not clear in which type of scenario do we use internal property ??

  • Hi

    is there any one who can explain the use of internal property in parameters

  • hellooooo

    can any one update on this plzzz....

  • Hi,

    we are using a lot of internal paramters in our reports.

    Most of them are configuration data read from the database, like format strings, colors, labels etc.. The reason using this: we are able to configure the reports for our costumers without changing the report itself (still one source). And the customer is not able to change this by himself.


  • Another situation might be where you are using a stored procedure that is used in several places, so it is not dedicated to the report. You may want the report to have one of the parameters to be internal because you want to control its value (for the report) at all times, but the other software/applications/reports that use the SP may need to have access to that particular variable in the stored procedure.

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