Interesting issue with INSER-EXEC statement

  • Hi guys ,

    I am working Replication monitoring scripts and scripted code for replication latency output .

    The interesting part is I am able to get the output most of the time and some time it fails i can

    3/10 failure .The main issue is occuring while executing the below part of code .

    DECLARE replmonitor CURSOR FOR

    select b.srvname,



    from distribution.dbo.MSpublications a,

    master.dbo.sysservers b

    where a.publisher_id=b.srvid

    OPEN replmonitor FETCH NEXT

    FROM replmonitor into @srvname,@pub_db,@pubname WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


    insert into #replmonitor exec distribution.dbo.sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription

    @publisher = @srvname ,

    @publisher_db = @pub_db ,

    @publication = @pubname ,

    @publication_type = 0

    FETCH NEXT FROM replmonitor






    CLOSE replmonitor DEALLOCATE replmonitor

    Error output is :

    Msg 8164, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_MSload_tmp_replication_status, Line 80

    An INSERT EXEC statement cannot be nested.

    I will highly appreciate If some one really has solution for this .


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