INSTEAD OF trigger and OUTPUT clause

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  • thank you... however i will take some time to understand this query ... :-D.. still not so perfect.

  • Interesting - it never occurred to me that the identity values wouldn't be available in the inserted table!

    So how would you get the identity values of the rows you'd just inserted?

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  • Good Excellent question. Learned quite a bit in the 2nd link (INSTEAD OF trigger).

    FYI, in the explanation, it should be the string 'AnotherString' to be replaced with 'Stub', not 'TestString'.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • Toreador (5/13/2010)

    Interesting - it never occurred to me that the identity values wouldn't be available in the inserted table!

    So how would you get the identity values of the rows you'd just inserted?

    Good question, I didn't think about it when I was writing the QOTD.

    Here is one of the possible solutions. We can get the identity values inside the trigger using the OUTPUT clause. These values can be passed outside the trigger via a temporary table.

    CREATE TABLE TestTable (id INT IDENTITY, string VARCHAR(100))


    CREATE TRIGGER TestTrigger ON TestTable



    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#id') IS NOT NULL

    INSERT TestTable (string)


    INTO #id

    SELECT CASE WHEN string = 'TestString' THEN string ELSE 'Stub' END

    FROM inserted


    INSERT TestTable (string)

    SELECT CASE WHEN string = 'TestString' THEN string ELSE 'Stub' END

    FROM inserted


    CREATE TABLE #id (id INT)

    SELECT * FROM TestTable

    INSERT TestTable (string)

    SELECT x.string


    ( SELECT 'TestString' AS string


    SELECT 'AnotherString' AS string

    ) x

    SELECT * FROM #id


    Maybe it's not the best solution, but it works 🙂

  • Toreador (5/13/2010)

    Interesting - it never occurred to me that the identity values wouldn't be available in the inserted table!

    So how would you get the identity values of the rows you'd just inserted?

    By not using an "INSTEAD OF" trigger. But I agree with you... you normally don't go investigating the types of triggers on tables when writing code to insert into them.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
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  • Excellent question ... really got the brains cells working.

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  • WayneS (5/13/2010)

    in the explanation, it should be the string 'AnotherString' to be replaced with 'Stub', not 'TestString'

    You are right, thanks for the correction!

  • I selected "Returns an error". It didn't seem right, but I'm not sure why the following code works

    INSERT TestTable (string)

    OUTPUT inserted.*

    Doesn't the select return more columns (ID and String) than the insert list? That is one of my more common errors...

    Great question, BTW. I need to learn more about OUTPUT!

  • tlewis-993411 (5/13/2010)

    I'm not sure why the following code works

    INSERT TestTable (string)

    OUTPUT inserted.*

    Doesn't the select return more columns (ID and String) than the insert list?

    When a row is inserted into a table, SQL Server fills all columns in that row. All these columns are contaned in the 'inserted.*' construct. Some of these values are explicit, and some are implicit (NULL, identity, default value, computed value etc).

    Here is an example:

    create table #t

    ( id int identity,

    a varchar(10),

    b varchar(10) default 'hello',

    c varchar(10),

    computed_column as b + ' ' + c


    insert #t (c)

    output inserted.*

    values ('test')

    In the QOTD, the construct 'OUTPUT inserted.*' is equal to 'OUTPUT, inserted.string'. 'Inserted.string' is an explicit column, while '' is an impilcit column.

  • My problem is that I expected that "inserted" would be a complete copy of the inserted row (I haven't used OUTPUT, but triggers certainly work that way). As such, the Inserted.* should return 2 columns, but the insert list only contains one field. See the code below and the resulting error message. This is almost exactly the same construct.

    I'll do some research, but it appears that Output is only returning the "explicitly added" columns?

    BTW, generically, I'm opposed to * for this very reason!

    Declare @Foo Table


    ID int,

    String varchar(100)


    Insert into @Foo(String)

    Select * from

    (Select 1 as intval, 'sample1' as string

    union all

    Select 2 as intval, 'sample2' as string

    ) as bar

    Msg 121, Level 15, State 1, Line 7

    The select list for the INSERT statement contains more items than the insert list. The number of SELECT values must match the number of INSERT columns.

  • Toreador (5/13/2010)

    Interesting - it never occurred to me that the identity values wouldn't be available in the inserted table!

    So how would you get the identity values of the rows you'd just inserted?

    If you are using an instead of trigger, I'm not sure. However, not using an instead of trigger works fine to retrieve the identity values using OUTPUT. I ran the below on SQL Server 2008.



    ID int identity(1,1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,

    AnotherColumn varchar(50) NULL



    CREATE TRIGGER Test_Insert

    ON Test



    SELECT 'Trigger Executed'


    DECLARE @tTableVar table(TestID int NOT NULL,

    TestAnotherColumn varchar(50) NULL)

    INSERT INTO Test(AnotherColumn)

    OUTPUT inserted.ID, inserted.AnotherColumn

    INTO @tTableVar(TestID,TestAnotherColumn)

    SELECT 'Blah'


    SELECT 'Blah2'

    SELECT TestID,TestAnotherColumn FROM @tTableVar


  • Duh - The "Into @tab" is not using the Select, but instead the output, which does include two columns.

    Select * into a table (or Output * into table, in this case) only works if the fields are selected in the same order and same count as the target, which is obviously true in this case. However, I would still avoid the * if possible, explicitly naming the fields instead. Otherwise, a change to the target table would break that condition.

    Thanks for putting up with me working through my own question. That's how I learn almost everything!

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