INSTCAT.SQL version number

  • Hello,

    I have had some issues accessing data from a SQL Server 2000 from a linked table setup on SQL Server 2005.

    One Solution I have come across is to run INSTCAT.SQL script provided with SP4.

    First question. Do I have to run this script even though I have SP4 installed?

    Second question. At the top of the script it says the following:

    When this file is updated, you MUST change the last row inserted into

    spt_server_info to be version number of this file. the convention is

    j.nn.bbb, where j is the major version number ('7' now), nn is the minor

    version number ('10' now), and bbb is the build number.

    insert into spt_server_info

    values (500, 'SYS_SPROC_VERSION', '8.00.bbb')

    But how do you know what the version number of the file is I cannot see it anywhere ? Is it safe to run this script ?

  • I wouldn't just run this without being absolutely positive of what I was doing. You should really call MS support for this.

  • I agree, but It does seem to be a recommended solution in at least two reputable places:

    However there is no mention of the issues I have raised. Has anyone run this on there servers ?

  • don't need to change the the umber , its for internal microsoft use only.

    if you look down the script for that entry the number has already been changed for you

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