Installing MSDE Only

  • Hello SQLers.

    I have a small problem. I would like to install only the MSDE engine on a PC and I am writing a program that will read and write to a database. However, I have not found a way to create several logins to the MSDE as well as the database name so that I can create an ODBC file appropriately. Does anyone have suggestions? I need to make an install that is transparent to the end user and I would not want them to have to install a full version of SQL server and have to manually create the passwords and the database. I was reading that there is an INI file for MSDE when installing that might do this but I have not been able to duplicate it appropriately.

    The program I am using is not important because I am only using it to read and write information to and from the database. I am grateful for any suggestions.

    Thank you.

    Juan R Tomasino

  • There is one way I know works that is rather simple.  Load the standard MSDE package on a development system where you can access it with Enterprise Manager.  Set up that isolated copy exactly as you wish to have the database and server logins.  Delete the Microsoft test databases of Northwind and Pubs - if you foresee no uses of them.  Do not add any other databases other than you wish to have on your target box.  You should see Master, MSDB, Model, Temp, and your database.  Shutdown the SQLServerAgent and MSSQLServer Services.  Copy  ALL the database files found in MSSQL\DATA folder (*.mdf, *.ldf pair per datatbase).

    On your target box, do a standard install of MSDE - don't worry about logins or your database.  Once installed, stop the SQLServerAgent and MSSQLServer Services.  Copy ALL the database Files from the first step over the standard files on the target PC.  Restart the services.  You should have the same logins and databases that you created on the 'development' server.


  • Try scripting your current users. Then use your ADO connection. If you don't have the Enterprise Mgr then write the SQL to add the users.

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