Installing 2 instances of SQL Server 2017 EXPRESS

  • Is installing 2 instances of SQL Server 2017 EXPRESS allowed by the setup package?

    For example, I have an instance SQLExpress installed. Now I want to add SQLEXPRESS_1 instance. Can I do it from same setup package? Or should I first uninstall SQLExpress instance completely?

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  • If you have already installed it, the default installation a named instance called "SQLEXPRESS".


    If you want to change the default installation instance name, you would need to uninstall it.  You would then need to run the setup twice, once for each named instance.


    If the default of SQLEXPRESS is ok, then you simply need to run the install, and give the instance a new name.

    Michael L John
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  • Yes, I have just installed the 2nd instance, it is possible, thanks.

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