Inserted/modified records from SQL Server to Oracl

  • One of my colleague asked me a question. Is there a way to send inserted/modified records in more than few tables from SQL Server to Oracle.

    If it is one table and the number of records are small in amount, I suggested to have a trigger, which will update temporary table. We can use this as source and send the data to Oracle once per day & truncate the temp table.

    I am not sure how to deal with more tables.

    Any thoughts???


  • If you have off-peak times, you could try using a timestamp column on your production tables to identify new/modified rows, then extract the new rows every night. This should minimise the impact of the process on your production schema and avoid the extra overhead involved in using triggers. You would need a table to store the last extracted timestamp value for each table.

    You would also need to check your code for any 'select *'s etc. which might cause problems when the new columns are added...

    How best to actually move the data is another question of course.

    Tim Wilkinson

    "If it doesn't work in practice, you're using the wrong theory"
    - Immanuel Kant

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