Insert multiple lines in a single row

  • Yes, it is a production server.

    Actually I connect to database server through an application. The application is running in several computers. I enabled MSDTC in the all client computers.

    To execute that trigger, I configured LinkedServer with the destination server. So I enabled MSDTC in both of the servers. Sometimes it works fine, sometimes it generates the error message.

    Error: The operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI10" for linked server "Server2" was unable to begin a distributed transaction.

    I am not getting the clue why is it working like that.

    Please suggest me if there is any alternative of doing this.

  • The main concern is that I have to send some data in destination server so that mobile operator can convey SMS.

    Is there any alternative to do it beyond my activities?

  • Details, how is MSDTC configured on both systems. It has been 5 to 7 years since I had to deal with this issue so I don't have complete memory on how I fixed it at a previous employer. Screen shots of each page of the MSDTC configuration would help. I'd put them in a Word doc and upload that.

  • MS DTC Config Screenshot

    If image not visible, pls Click Here

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