Insert date

  • i need to write insert where the date column , takes automatically from the system

    and laods the data

    instead of putting the date in the insert script everyday

    i need to schedule this daily

    insert into table name

    select * from databse name .table name

    where convert(varchar,datedate, 101) = '01/25/2010'

    instead of me putting me the date in here , i want it to be automaticaaly generated

  • For that you need to specify each column names instead of * and then at the date field use the custom date, something like below

    insert into desttable (col1,col2,date,col4)


    col1,col2,convert(varchar,getdate(),101),col4 from sourcetable



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  • To select data based upon today's date, you can do the following:

    SELECT {columns}

    FROM {table}

    WHERE YourDateColumn >= DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, GETDATE()), 0)

    AND YourDateColumn < DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, GETDATE()) + 1, 0);

    This assumes that you have dates in the future and only want to pull today's data. If you do not have dates in the future remove the second line in the where clause.

    Jeffrey Williams
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