Initiate a retore of xyz.bak from SSIS

  • I have a process that retrieves a zip file from a FTP site, it unzip's the file, now I need to initiate a restore of a database. Can someone help me with this?



  • have it unzip it to a defined location and name them write a SQL command restore

    Restore ....

    Then put that in as a SQL task or define it with an OSQL task in a bat job and call that.

  • The zip file will always be extracted to the following:


    I'm good with SQL from a data perspective, but not on the admin side. How would I write a SQL statement to restore this file over the existing database 'RealPage'?



  • I went through the steps of the restore, but instead of executing, I scripted it.

    Does this correct?


    FROM DISK = N'C:\RealPage_FTP\U1050266.bak'

    WITH FILE = 1


    ,STATS = 10


  • The quickest way would be to do it from Mgmt Studio and instead of clicking ok use the script option to script it out.

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