Index on query with multiple joins

  • Hello,

    I know that it is good to create index for column on where and join conditions. Secondarily on any group by. Last is Order by.

    I'm trying the know what's the best way to create an index for a table that used multiple time  with different column of join

    For example on the query as bellow the table1 use those columns on joins : t1_Reference ,Date_Key ,t1_Key,PP_key and each column with different table

    ,FORMAT(t1.Date, 'yyyy-MM') AS 'Mois'
    ,abs(DATEDIFF(DAY, t1.dts_Date, t1.dtt_Date)) as TimeDay
    ,count(1) as nb
    INTO #temp_table
    FROM #table1 t1
    INNER JOIN #table2 t2 ON t2.t2_Reference = t1.t1_Reference AND t2.Date_Key = t1.Date_Key
    INNER JOIN #table3 t3 ON t1.t1_Key = t3.t1_Key
    INNER JOIN table4 t4 ON t1.PP_key = t4.PP_key
    , t4.AG_Key
    ,FORMAT(t1.Date, 'yyyy-MM')
    ,abs(DATEDIFF(DAY, t1.dts_Date, t1.dtt_Date))

    The size of the tables are :

    #table1 (temp table) : 64 450 048 Rows

    #table2 (temp table) : 2 227 414 Rows

    #table3 (temp table) : 6 Rows

    table4 (physical table) : 579 628 194 Rows

    The datatype of all columns in join are Int except t2_Reference and t1_Reference are varchar

    I would like to know what is the best way to create the index and Why ?

    Thanks for help !


  • If t1_key is a primary key to #table1 then when it joins to #table3 on t1_Key it can only return up to 6 rows from #table1 as #table3 only has 6 rows.

    INNER JOIN #table3 t3 ON t1.t1_Key = t3.t1_Key

    It would be nice to know how many rows are in the join conditions.

  • Hello Jonathan,

    The table 1 is a fact table and the table 3 is a dimension table the t1_Key is a foreign key of the table 3 , like a said on the post the table 1 have 64 450 048 Rows and this the value that is returned

  • That's a bit of a strange naming convention. You would normally call the column t3_Key not t1_Key.

  • I think the first index to try is indexing table4

    You could give it a clustered primary key on (PP_key, AG_key)


    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_table4_1] ON [dbo].[table4] ([PP_key]) INCLUDE ([AG_Key])

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