index creation time

  • If I need to find out all the indexes created after a certain time, What should I do? I dont see create date in sysindexes.

    thanks for your help

  • Not sure that SQL Server logs this information. Have the feeling you will have to record manually the time indexes where rebuilt/reindexed. Maybe Yukon will provide this support.

  • Well this is a very old post, but I am having the exact same problem.

    I have a procedure that rebuilds indexes once a month. I can't do it in a maintenance plan because the procedure does other operations too, which are unique to my application. I want to be able to check from within the procedure what was the last time the index was rebuilt and according to that value decide weather to rebuild the index or not. Also, in order to test that procedure, I want to check the build/creation time of my indexes. If it is updated once a month- I'll know the procedure works as expected.

    Any idea how can I check that value? That data must be saved somewhere in the database...

    thank you,


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