Incremental backups, monitoring, email alerts and recovery tool

  • I'm looking for a tool which will make backing up sql server as frictionless as possible. Ideally offering incremental backups (so as to reduce file size for our file backups), monitoring and email alerts and an easy to use recovery tool.

    If anyone has any suggestions I'd be extremely grateful.


  • What does the native SQL Backup not do for you (other than compression) ?

  • homebrew01 (2/5/2009)

    What does the native SQL Backup not do for you (other than compression) ?

    It's not fast while backing up or restoring when compared to tools like Litespeed.

    It does not cost any dollars to the company.. 😛

    Compression comes in handy when it comes to saving space on disk and also .bak files can be restored by any one having a sql server installed but its difficult to restore backup files with extensions other than .bak which again is a strong reason to go for third party tool. Not to mention the advantage of encrypted backup files.



    "Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives."

  • Dan Thomas (2/5/2009)

    I'm looking for a tool which will make backing up sql server as frictionless as possible. Ideally offering incremental backups (so as to reduce file size for our file backups), monitoring and email alerts and an easy to use recovery tool.

    If anyone has any suggestions I'd be extremely grateful.


    I've been satisfied with Idera's SQLSafe, mainly because of compression & speed. But I don't think you'll gain anything in the areas you listed. Incrementals, email alerts and recovery are basically the same in native SQL and the 2 backup tools I've used (Idera & Redgate).

  • For the needs you require, I would use SQL Server native.

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