In your opinion what's the best and fastest way to solve this issue?

  • Hello there,

    I have a question related to a mirroring issue I was deeply involved in a very very critical moment (the yard was full with trucks waiting for their documents to go to the stores)...

    In that moment, I solved the problem as described below, but I know it wasn't the proper way to do it, but only for that desperate moment.

    Can you help me with some ideas?

    There were a lot of activities when the mirroring process was down and the both databases (both dbs became mirror, restoring) remained in "restoring" mode.

    The solution was the easiest possible I could find in that moment:

    1. Stop db activity.

    2. Remove mirroring

    3. Backups for both db (principal and mirror).

    4. The biggest .bak was restored on the production

    5. Mirroring reconfiguration.

    6. Start db activity.

    Wish you good ideas! 🙂

  • I've forgotten to say that's the reason I haven't been accepted to an interview where at the beggining before going to the face-to-face interview I had to describe ONLINE a challenging issue, and that was my example.

    Unfortunately, this example seemd to be a bad choice.;-)

    Their answer was something like:

    "We can let you know that the action you have taken is the worst one you could have take at that moment, with data loss implications."


    Wish you good ideas! 🙂

  • How can both the DBs (Principle and Mirrored) be at "restoring" state at same time? Has anyone came across this situation due to mirroring issue???

  • Unfortunately, It happend twice 🙁 and I don't really know why. I've looked in all the logs and the only idea I get it was that somehow the networking was down but I don't really now how happend. 🙁

    In the same time, (more realistic I think), it happened more than 2 times to become both of them Principal, Disconnected.

    Do you need more details?

    That was strange to me, because I never worked with mirroring before and after I've read about it I knew that the dbs can be only in some stats (and not those)...


    Wish you good ideas! 🙂

  • There were both of them with the status Mirror, Restoring

    Wish you good ideas! 🙂

  • Oh!!! so this happens? I never seen it hence the question was. I will do some RND on this.

  • Yes, my mistake... I should have said that the both db became mirror, restoring 🙁


    Wish you good ideas! 🙂

  • You posted the same question here I answered there, but please keep to one thread per question.

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