Importing certain Text rcds into SQL

  • I want to import only certain records from a text file into a SQL table. I have a non-SQL process that creates a text file with different types of records. For instance,

    Record #1 might contain just short beginning batch control info.

    Record #2 Contains batch DETAIL info, with 24 delimited fields (This is what I want)

    Record #3 contains just short ending batch control info.

    Example of data in text file, delimited with vertical bars (truncated for brevity):

    (Rcd #1)    BATCH|20050901999|20050901120000000

    (Rcd #2)    DETAIL|1|00IPB||1000|||||MA100010||||Mary|Smith||||123 Main St||Brookfield|CT|06804|

    (Rcd #3)    BCHEND|20050901999|20050901120000000|1000|1

    I don't have a problem figuring out how to import just the DETAIL record, but how do I omit the other records in my DTS so that it doesn't fail on them ?  I'm not VB or ActiveX savvy, so the more detail the better if that's part of the solution.

    This is the DDL of my SQL table

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[BatchDetail] (

     [LineId] [char] (6) ,

     [DocNumber] [int] NULL ,

     [DocType] [char] (5) ,

     [PayAmount] [float] NULL ,

     [PayDue] [float] NULL ,

     [CustNumber] [char] (12) ,

     [ThreeYearPrice] [float] NULL ,

     [TwoYearPrice] [float] NULL ,

     [OneYearPrice] [float] NULL ,

     [SourceCode] [char] (8) ,

     [OrderNumber] [char] (8) ,

     [FinderNumber] [char] (8) ,

     [Title] [char] (8)  ,

     [FirstName] [char] (20)  ,

     [LastName] [char] (30)  ,

     [NameSuffix] [char] (8)  ,

     [MiddleInitial] [char] (1)  ,

     [CompanyName] [char] (50)  ,

     [Street1] [char] (40)  ,

     [Street2] [char] (40)  ,

     [City] [char] (25)  ,

     [State] [char] (2)  ,

     [Zip] [char] (9)


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Hi,

    U can use dts package and u can set parameter by using bulk insert task.

    hope thus help u.




  • I just had to deal with this myself.  I find that a lot of simple text-based manipulation and filtering is most easily done with batch scripts BEFORE I bring them into the database.

    I like to use Unix-ish commands myself, but using the FIND.EXE command works just as well.  For instance, to get just the detail record you would do this:

    FIND.EXE "DETAIL" extract_filename.txt >just_the_detail.txt

    Then just bcp or bulk insert the just_the_detail.txt file into your table.

    - Rick


  • That sounds like what I need !    Where do you run the FIND command from ?

    As a test, I'm trying it from the Windows command line, but I can't get it working. I tried:

    D:\Training\Test> FIND "DETAIL" TestData.txt > TestData_Detail.txt

    It says

    FIND: unable to access "DETAIL": The system cannot find the file specified

    Even though I'm in the right directory, and a DIR command shows that TestData.txt is there.  I'll fiddle around a bit more.


    >>> EDIT:   Looks as though I needed to be in the WINNT\SYSTEM32 folder to run it. 

    It outputs now, but it puts a blank line and a "header" record in before my "DETAIL" records like so:

    ---------------------- D:\Training\Test\TestData.txt

    DETAIL|Joe|Smith|123 Main St.       

    So I still don't have just "DETAIL" records.  I don't see any switches that would prevent the header record. I guess I can tell my DTS to start with line 3.

  • that's why i use unix shell commands to do pre-parsing, its a lot more flexible.  but try this to get what you want:

    type TestData.txt | find "DETAIL" >TestData_Detail.txt

    i don't know why you need to be in system32, that should be in your path anyway.

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